

Discobolus by Myron
Discobolus by Myron
Vase depicting Pallas Athena
Winged Victory on chariot
Vase depicting Pallas Athena
Winged Victory on chariot
Hermes by Praxiteles
Victory by Paeonius
1896 希腊 第1届奥运会 (12全)
1900 希腊 第1届奥运会加字 (5全)
1901 希腊 Hermes (14全)
1902 希腊 Hermes Head (5全)
Apollo throwing the discus
Apollo throwing the discus
Goddess Victory
The Hesperides' Golden Apples
Hercules and Antaeus
The winged goddess patron of th
The Hesperides' Golden Apples
Group of runners
Group of runners
Group of runners
Offerings to God Zeus
1906 希腊 第1届奥运会10周年 (14全)
Hermes putting on his sandals
Hermes putting on his sandals
Hermes putting on his sandals
Hermes holding his little brother Arkas
Hermes holding his little brother Arkas
Hermes holding his little brother Arkas
Hermes holding his little brother Arkas
Hermes holding his little brother Arkas
1911 希腊 神话人物 (16全)
Goddess Pallas Athena
Youth of Marathon
1933 希腊 普通邮票 (3-2,3)
Goddess Hygeia (Health)
1934 希腊 Anti-tuberculosis Fund (3全)
“Tavrokathapsia” Bulls' race, Minoan Crete
Court Lady of Tiryns
Zeus of Dodoni
Coin of Amphiktyony
Diagoras of Rhodes
Venus of Melos
Naval Battle of Salamis
Panathenaic Procession
Alexander the Great at Issos battle
Apostle Paul on Arios Pagos
塞萨洛尼基 圣迪米特里奥斯教堂
Leon Isavros and the destruction of Arabs
普萨拉的荣耀 尼古拉斯·吉热斯作
1937 希腊 希腊历史 (13全)
Javelin thrower
Discus thrower
1939 希腊 Balkans Games in Athens (4全)
卡斯特洛里佐岛 城堡
Dodecanese Vase
Dodecanese Costume
帕特莫斯岛 神学家圣约翰修道院
Emmanuel Xanthos (1772-1852)
Colossus of Rhodes
1947 希腊 佐泽卡尼索斯群岛回归 (8全)
Kasos island and Ship
1948 希腊 佐泽卡尼索斯群岛回归 (2全)
Emanuel Xanthos
Dodecanese costume
帕特莫斯岛 神学家圣约翰修道院
Kasos Island and Ship
Dodecanese stamp of 1912
卡斯特洛里佐岛 城堡
Dodecanese Vase
Dodecanese Vase
Colossus of Rhodes
Colossus of Rhodes
1950 希腊 佐泽卡尼索斯群岛回归 (12全)
Youth of Marathon
1950 希腊 75th Anniversary of the Universal Postal Union (1全)
1951 希腊 佐泽卡尼索斯群岛回归 (1全)
Altar “To the unknown God”
1951 希腊 圣保罗抵达希腊1900年 (4-1)
Head of Pericles
Oxhead Vase
Bust of Homer
Zeus of Istiaea
Head of a youth
Head of Alexander the Great
Charioteer of Delphi
Vase from Dipylon
Hunting a wild boar
Calf bearer
Voyage of Dionyssos
Urn bearers
1954 希腊 古代艺术 (12全)
Torch bearer
Goddess Athena
1954 希腊 5th Anniversary of NATO (3全)
Oxhead Vase
Head of Pericles
Zeus of Istiaea
Head of a youth
Head of Alexander the Great
Hunting a wild boar
Bust of Homer
Voyage of Dionyssos
1955 希腊 古代艺术 (8全)
Pythagoras on Samian coin
Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagoras on Samian coin
Island of Samos
1955 希腊 2500th Anniversary of the Founding of the First School of Philosophy by Pythagoras (4全)
Zeus head (coin)
1956 希腊 慈善邮票:Macedonian Studies Society Fund(2全)
Oxhead Vase
Head of a Youth
1958 希腊 古代艺术 (2全)
Head of Pericles
Zeus of Istiaea
Charioteer of Delphi
Urn bearers
Head of Alexander the Great
1959 希腊 古代艺术 (5全)
Audience in ancient theatre
An ancient tragedy actor's Mask
Flute, Drum and Lyre
Statue of a comedy actor
德尔斐 古剧院
“Andromeda” by Euripides
Satire Actors
1959 希腊 希腊剧场 (7全)
Zeus and Eagle, Olympia, 4th cent. B.C.
Athena and Owl, Athens, 5th cent. B.C.
Arethousa and Chariot, Syracuse, 5th cent. B.C.
Great Alexander and Zeus, 4th cent. B.C.
Helios (Sun) and Rose, Rhodes, 4th cent. B.C.
Griffin and Squares, Avderon, 5th cent. B.C.
Apollo and Lyre, Chalcidice, Macedonia, 4th cent. B.C.
Apollo and Labyrinth, Crete, 3rd cent. B.C.
Aphrodite and Apollo, Cyprus, 4th cent. B.C.
Rams' heads and incised squares, Delphi, 5th cent. B.C.
1959 希腊 古希腊钱币 (10全)
Plane-tree of Hippocrates
Aesculapius, Athens Archaeological Museum
Icon of St.Basil, Monastry St.Lucas, Veotia
Achilles and Patroclos, Berlin Museum
1959 希腊 国际红十字会议 (4全)
Proclamation of armistice
Lighting the olympic flame
Athlete taking oath
Wild olive branches
Judges entering the stadium
Long jumper
Discus thrower
Javelin thrower
Victory ceremony
Winner's return home
1960 希腊 罗马奥运会 (11全)
Calf bearer
1960 希腊 古代艺术 (1全)
Vase with painted Lillies
Partridge (fresco)
Fruit dish (mosaic)
Rhyton bearer (fresco)
Ladies of the Knossos palace (fresco)
Detail from a Sarcophagus
Dancer (fresco)
1961 希腊 米诺斯艺术 (8全)
Emperor Nicephorus Phocas
1961 希腊 1000th Anniversary of the Liberation of Crete (1全)
Ancient Greek warrior with shield
Soldier kneeling (after Marathon tomb)
Soldier (statue of Aphea, Aegina)
1962 希腊 北约部长会议 (4-2,3,4)
Arethousa and Chariot, Syracuse, 5th cent. B.C.
Great Alexander and Zeus, 4th cent. B.C.
Helios (Sun) and Rose, Rhodes, 4th cent. B.C.
Griffin and Squares, Avderon, 5th cent. B.C.
Zeus and Eagle, Olympia, 4th cent. B.C.
Athena and Owl, Athens, 5th cent. B.C.
Apollo and Labyrinth, Crete, 3rd cent. B.C.
Aphrodite and Apollo, Cyprus, 4th cent. B.C.
Rams' heads and incised squares, Delphi, 5th cent. B.C.
1963 希腊 古希腊钱币 (9全)
Demeter, Goddess of agriculture
1963 希腊 Struggle against Hunger (2全)
Emperor Vasilios II on gold coin
St. Theodore - Louvre Museum
Archangel Michael, Athens Byzantine Museum
Birth of the Holy Virgin, Protaton Church, Mt.Athos
1964 希腊 拜占庭艺术 (5-1,2,3,4)
Peleus fighting Atalanti
Athlete on vase
Discus thrower
Chariot racing
God Apollo
1964 希腊 东京奥运会 (7全)
“Trident” - Paxos island
“Aphrodite emerging from sea” - Kythera island
“Ulysses” - Ithaca island
“St. George and the Dragon” - Lefkada island
“Prince Zakynthos” - Zakynthos (Zante) island
“Prince Kephalos” - Kephalonia island
“Ancient Galley” - Kerkyra (Corfu) island
1964 希腊 (7全)
An 1867 Bank Note, National Bank of Greece
1966 希腊 125th Anniversary of the National Bank of Greece
Ancient Copper Mask
Chariot of Thespis
雅典 狄俄倪索斯剧场
Dionyssos dancing
1966 希腊 希腊戏剧2500年 (4全)
Wood-carved cases for knitting needles
Horseman on embroidery
Cretan Lyre
Massia (percussion instrument)
Wood-carved Cross and Angels
Icon of Saints Constantine and Helene
Altar screen
Ship on embroidery
Wedding procession on embroidery
Wooden distaff with Saints George and Barbara
Earrings and Necklace
Handwoven cloth
1966 希腊 希腊民间艺术 (12全)
The cup awarded to Spyros Louis in 1896
1967 希腊 体育 (5-2)
Apollo's head
Lighting the Olympic torch
1968 希腊 体育 (7-3,4)
Goddess Athena defeating Alkyoneys, Pergamos
Goddess Athena
Alexander the Great, detail from sarcophagus
Byzantine mosaic
“Constantine Paleologos” painting by D.Tsokos
“Greece in Messolonghi” 欧仁·德拉克罗瓦作
“The Evzon” painting by G.B. Scott
Sculpture “The Winged Victory of Samothrace”
1968 希腊 希腊文明 (8全)
1968 希腊 欧洲心脏学会议 (1全)
An ode by Pindaros (c.522 - c.443 B.C.)
1968 希腊 墨西哥城奥运会 (3-3)
1968 希腊 20th Anniversary World Health Organisation (1全)
1969 希腊 Saint Zenon (1全)
Athena Promachos
1969 希腊 解放25周年
Shield and helmet
Hoplites and flutist
1969 希腊 北约20周年 (2全)
Hephaestus and Cyclops
Hephaestus and Cyclops
1969 希腊 国际劳工组织50周年 (2全)
Saint Zenon
1969 希腊 Saint Zenon (1全)
Hercules and the bull of Crete
Hercules and Cerberus
Hercules and the golden apples of Hesperide
Hercules and Lernean Hydra
Hercules and Geryon
Hercules and the Erymanthian Boar
Hercules and Centaur Nessus
Hercules and River Acheloos
Hercules and the Nemea Lion
Hercules and the Stymphalian Birds
Hercules and Giant Anteus
1970 希腊 12 Labors of Hercules (11全)
1970 希腊 马赛克镶嵌画 (6-4)
塞萨洛尼基 圣迪米特里奥斯教堂 塞萨洛尼基的德米特里,西里尔与美多德 马赛克镶嵌画
Emperor Michael III, Sts Cyril and Methodius
St. Cyril and St. Methodius
1970 希腊 圣人Kyrillos和塞萨洛尼基的德米特里 (4全)
1972 希腊 圣诞节 (2全)
Gaia, Athena and Kekrops
Gods against the Giants
1972 希腊 希腊神话 (4全)
Spartan Female athlete
Ball game (Episkyros)
1972 希腊 慕尼黑奥运会 (5全)
“The Spring” fresco, Thera, Santorini
Hydria with barley, Thera, Santorini
“Blue Apes” fresco, Thera, Santorini
Bird on a jug, Thera, Santorini
Swallows (detail from “The Spring”), Thera, Santorini
“Antelopes” fresco, Thera, Santorini
Wrestlers, Thera, Santorini
1973 希腊 圣托里尼岛的考古发现 (7全)
The Winged Victory of Samothrace (200 BC)
1973 马里 著名雕塑 (3-3)
Mount Olympus, home of the gods
The Battle of Zeus and Typheas
The Battle of Zeus and the Giants
The punishment of Atlas and Prometheus
1973 希腊 希腊神话 (4全)
Icon of “Our Lady of the Annunciation”, Tenos island
1973 希腊 150th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Tino Icon (1全)
Myceanean vase
Woman reading letter
1974 希腊 万国邮政联盟成立100周年 (3全)
1974 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:雕塑 (3-1)
花瓶:Theocracy of Zeus (公元前5世纪)
花瓶:Goddess Athena's birth (公元前5世纪)
花瓶:Artemis, Apollo and Leto (公元前5世纪)
花瓶:Hermes (公元前5世纪)
1974 希腊 希腊神话 (4全)
Cretan 1 drachma stamp of 1905
1974 希腊 邮票日 (1全)
1974 希腊 圣诞节 (3全)
Neolithic Goddess
Confrontation of Antigone with Creon
1975 希腊 国际妇女年 (3全)
1975 希腊 邮票日 (1全)
The Pontus Lyre
The Cretan Lyre
Cithern-player (from amphora)
Drones and Flutes
Dulcimer (kanonaki)
1975 希腊 乐器 (12全)
1976 希腊 500th Anniversary of the First Greek Printing (1全)
Long jump athletes
Handball athletes
(左下)雅典 帕那辛纳克体育场(右上)加拿大 蒙特利尔 奥林匹克体育场
Olympic Games Torch lighting
1976 希腊 蒙特利尔奥运会 (6全)
攻击牛的狮子 (in onyx, 约公元前14世纪)
水鸟 (in carnelian/sard, 约公元前14世纪)
受伤的公牛 (in jasper, 约公元前14世纪)
Silenus (in sardonyx, 希腊化时期)
吃牧草的牛 (in onyx, 公元前15世纪)
1976 希腊 古代印章石 (5全)
Jug from Florina
Plate with birds
Pitcher from Aigina
1976 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:手工艺品 (3全)
The Magi speaking to the Jews
The Adoration of the Magi
1976 希腊 圣诞节 (2全)
Patients visiting Aesculapius
Ancient clinic
Aesculapius curing a young man
Hercules and old nurse
Man offering model of leg
1977 希腊 国际风湿病年 (5全)
1977 希腊 环境保护
Alexandria Lighthouse, Egypt
Alexander at Achilles' tomb
Alexander descending to the sea
Alexander searching for the water of life
Alexander on horseback
Alexander listening to an oracle
Alexander's death
1977 希腊 亚历山大大帝 (7全)
Aristotle (384-322 BC), Philosopher and Scientist
Map of Chalkidiki and ancient inscription plaque
“Aristotle the Wise”
1978 希腊 亚里士多德逝世2300周年 (4全)
The miracle of Sts Anargyroi
1978 希腊 Transplatations
Virgin and the Child
The Baptism of Jesus Christ
1978 希腊 圣诞节 (2全)
Cycladic Figure from Amorgos island
1979 希腊 巴黎艺术展 (1全)
“Girl with Dove” (classic statue)
200 Years Death of Cosmas the Aetolian
1600 Years Death of Basil the Great
International Hippocratic Foundation of Kos
1979 希腊 纪念邮票
奥林匹亚 运动场 Eleias古钱币
德尔菲体育场 古钱币
埃皮达鲁斯体育场 伯罗奔尼撒古钱币
罗得岛 古希腊运动场 Kos古钱币
雅典 帕那辛纳克体育场 第一届奥运会奖牌
1980 希腊 莫斯科奥运会 (5全)
1700 Years Birth of St.Demetrius
Vase and olive branch
1980 希腊 纪念邮票
Ancient vase
ancient coin
Canonization of St Simeon
Breast-feeding campaign
150 Years Greek banknotes
1981 希腊 纪念邮票
Lectionary Heading
Initial E
Initial T
Canon table for Gospel readi
Zoology Book Heading
1982 希腊 拜占庭书籍插图 (5全)
Nativity, relief from early Christian era
Nativity, relief from early Christian era
1982 希腊 圣诞节 (2全)
Battle of Marathon, 490
The Messolonghi Exodus, 1826
1982 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:历史事件 (2全)
The deification of Homer
The abduction of Helen
The Wooden Horse
Achilles and Ajax
Hector receiving his arms from his parents
The Battle between Hector and Ajax
Priamus requests the body of Hector
The blinding of Polyphemus
Ulysses escaping from Polyphemus' cave
Ulysses meeting with Nafsika
Ulysses at the island of the Sirens
Ulysses slaying the suitors
The heroes of The Iliad
Homer's bust
1983 希腊 荷马史诗 (15全)
Anastasios Tsamados's brig Aris
Andreas Miaoulis's brig Aris
Ship from Sfakia, Crete
Laskarina Bouboulina's brig Spetses
K. Babas's ship Epaminondas
Steam-powered warship Karteria (Perseverance)
1983 希腊 船舶与人物头像 - 国际海事组织成立25周年 (6全)
Democritus (c. 460-370 BC) philosopher
1983 希腊 第1届德谟克利特著作国际会议 (1全)
奥林匹亚 运动场 拱门
雅典 帕那辛纳克体育场 作家泽麦特里乌斯·维凯拉斯
1984 希腊 洛杉矶奥运会 (5全)
Ancient Athenian 4 drachma coin
1984 希腊 雅典成为希腊首都150周年 (2-1)
Horse's head from the chariot of Selene (Moon)
Sculpture of Dionysos
Goddesses Hestia, Dione and Aphrodite
Sculpture of Ilissus
Lapithis and Centaur
骑士浮雕 (上排:western frieze,下排:eastern frieze)
1984 希腊 帕特农神庙大理石像 (5+1MS全)
Apollo and Marsyas
1985 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:音乐 (2全)
1985 希腊 欧洲文化之都:雅典 (4全)
Ancient urn and Map of Cyprus
1985 希腊 塞浦路斯独立25周年 (1全)
1986 希腊 体育 (7-1,2,4)
150 Years Athens School of Fine Arts
1987 希腊 大学 (2-1)
Olympian Zeus Temple, Ancient Olympia
Preparation of Athletes
Emblem of the Athens Golden Olympics
Preparation of Athletes
Olympic Torch Relay
1988 希腊 汉城奥运会 (5全)
1988 希腊 欧洲议会委员会会议 (2-2)
1989 希腊 纪念邮票
Calliope, Euterpe, Erato
Terpsicore, Polymnia, Melpomene
Thalia, Clio, Urania
1991 希腊 缪斯女神 (3全)
The Pillar of Democracy
1991 希腊 2500th Anniversary of Democracy (1全)
Europa and Zeus disguised as a bull
1991 希腊 Greek Presidency of CEPT (1MS全)
1992 希腊 马其顿珍宝 (7全)
1992 希腊 European Traffic Minister Conference (1MS全)
AIDS Prevention
European Gastroenterology Week
Cancer Prevention
European Year for Occupational Safety and Health
Onassion Cardiosurgical Centre
1992 希腊 医疗健康邮票 (5全)
1994 希腊 欧洲交通部长会议 (1全)
Passions of Christ - The Last Supper
Passions of Christ - The Crucifixion
Passions of Christ - The Burial
Passions of Christ - The Resurrection
1994 希腊 复活节 (4全)
Thales of Militos
1994 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:发明和发现 (2-1)
1994 希腊 体育
1994 希腊 体育
“Peace” of Kephisodotos (4th cent. B.C.)
1995 希腊 纪念邮票 (1全)
The first Vision
St John and Prochoros in Apocalypse Cave
Trumbet of First Angel
1995 希腊 1900 Years of St. John's “Apocalypse” (3全)
1996 希腊 现代奥运会100周年 (3MS全)
Hippocrates of Kos (ancient Greek physician)
Galen of Pergamon (ancient Greek physician)
1996 希腊 第1届国际医学奥林匹克 (2全)
The oldest Hellenic inscription (ca 740 B.C.)
Verses from Homer's Iliad
Psalm of the Holy Apostles
Quote from Dionysios Solomos, Poet (1798-1857)
1996 希腊 希腊语 (4全)
Icon of St.Demetrius
Hippokrateion Hospital
“Thessaloniki Queen of Philip”
塞萨洛尼基 加莱里乌斯圆形大厅 穹顶的马赛克镶嵌画
1997 希腊 欧洲文化之都:塞萨洛尼基 (5全)
“Nike” (Victory)
1997 希腊 世界田径锦标赛
16th World Congress in Cardiology Research
1998 希腊 纪念邮票 (6-5)
意大利 威尼斯 希腊圣乔治堂
Christ Pantokrator
“He is Happy Thanks to You”
The “Parrhesia” of St.George
1998 希腊 威尼斯的希腊东正教社团 (4全)
Homer (poet) 9th or 8th cent. B.C.
Sophocles (dramatist) 496-406 B.C.
Thoukidides (historian) 460-399 B.C.
Plato (philosopher/mathematician) 429-347 B.C.
Demosthenes (politician/orator) 382-322 B.C.
1998 希腊 古希腊作家 (5全)
Apollo Ylates Temple,Warriors on Mycenaean pot,Mycenaean amphora crater,(右下)德尔菲 阿波罗神庙
1999 希腊 希腊控制塞浦路斯4000周年 希腊-塞浦路斯联合发行 (4全)
1999 希腊 希腊与日本建立外交关系100周年 (1全)
Mediterranean sea currents
Detail of Icon by Ioannis Kornaros
Oceanographic vessel “Aigaio”
Apollo seated at a ship's bow
1999 希腊 国际海洋年 (4全)
The birth of Christ
Ιnter-religious dialogue
Divine providence
2000 希腊 耶稣诞生2000周年 (6全)
Christ as Orpheus
Christ, The Good Shepherd
Christ Pantokrator
Christ “Anapesson” (resting)
Jesus Christ
Christ, The Wisdom of God
Christ Pantokrator
Christ Pantokrator
2000 希腊 耶稣诞生2000周年 (8全)
2000 希腊 克里特岛第一枚邮票发行100周年 (1MS全)
2001 希腊 1700th Anniversary of the Christianity in Armenia (1MS全)
2001 希腊 雅典奥运会 (1MS全)
The Ancient Games - Men's race
The Ancient Games - Charioteer
The Ancient Games - Javelin throw
The Ancient Games - “The Spear-bearer”
The Ancient Games - Weightlifting
奥林匹亚 运动场 拱门
2002 希腊 雅典奥运会 (5+1MS全)
Classical Script 5th cent. B.C.
“Sacred Law” Linear B Script 13th cent. B.C.
Makriyiannis Texts (1797-1864)
Byzantine Script 11th cent. (Mount Athos)
2002 希腊 希腊语 (4全)
Stone Carving of Face
2003 希腊 问候邮票
The Spring Fresco, Thera
2003 希腊 希腊担任欧盟轮值主席国 (4-3)
Silver three drachma from Kos
Gold Stater, Philip II
Silver two drachma from Elida
Silver four drachma, Philip II
2004 希腊 雅典奥运会:古钱币 (4全)
2004 法国 欧洲国家首都:雅典 (1MS全)
Necklace with tiles & cylindrical parts 730 B.C.
Snake shaped bracelet 3rd-2nd cent.B.C.
Necklace with acorns and bull head 5th cent.B.C.
Detail of crown with Heraclion node 2nd cent.B.C.
Cone-shaped earrings 8th cent.B.C.
2005 希腊 古代金饰 (5全)
The Holy Mother of God - “Virgin Odegetria”
The Holy Mother of God - “Virgin Kardiotissa”
The Holy Mother of God - “Virgin Glykofilousa”
The Holy Mother of God - “Virgin with symbols of Passion”
2005 希腊 圣诞节 (4全)
2006 希腊 欧罗巴邮票发行50周年 (1MS全)
2006 希腊 第1届奥运会110周年 (2MS全)
Fashion Doll “Bleuette” made of “Bisque” porcelain
Wooden war aircraft
Dolls made of pressed paper and Skonouchi fabric
Wheeled horses on wooden pedestal
Tin Roller duck and Booted cat
Aviator with parachute
Clockwork airplane carousel
The puppet show of the Resistance
2006 希腊 Old Toys from the Benaki Museum in Athens (8全)
Kouros of Anavissos ca 530 B.C.
Seated Figurine (2800-2300 B.C.)
Free Composition
East Parthenon Pediment
Greco-roman Portrait 4th cent. B.C.
“Concert of the Angels” by D.Theotokopoulos
2006 希腊 雅典的博物馆 (6全)
2006 希腊 雅典的博物馆 个性化 (1全)
Revival of the 1895 Athletic Games, island of Tinos
2006 希腊 111th Anniversary of Panhelenistic Sportsgames - “Tinia” (1全)
Trirene “Olympias”
Odometer by Heron of Alexandria, 1st cent.B.C.
Piston water-pump 3rd cent.B.C.
The Antikythera Mechanism 80 B.C.
Automated Temple gates by Heron of Alexandria, 1st cent.B.C.
2006 希腊 古希腊技术 (5全)
2007 希腊 中国希腊文化年 (1全)
Aphrodite, Island of Delos, c. 100 BC
Goddess Anahit, 4th-3rd century BC (Satagh), Armenia
2007 希腊 希腊-亚美尼亚联合发行 (2全)
左:西班牙 安普里斯古城遗址 阿斯克勒庇俄斯像 Statue of Asclepios‭ 右:阿斯克勒庇俄斯像 雅典考古博物馆藏
2007 希腊 地中海考古:西班牙-希腊联合发行 (1MS全)
2007 希腊 150 Years Discovery of St Cyril's Tomb (1全)
Kore Phrassikleia
2007 希腊 问候邮票
2008 希腊 问候邮票
2009 希腊 雅典国家考古博物馆成立180周年 (1全)
Veiled Maiden
The Parthenon Gallery
Parts of Parthenon frieze
雅典 卫城博物馆
Marble Dog
2010 希腊 新卫城博物馆开幕 (5全)
2010 希腊 新卫城博物馆开幕 个性化 (2全)
Ship from a Thera wall painting, 1500 B.C.
Polyreme, Hellenistic period, 4th-2nd cent. B.C.
Triakontoros, 15th-4th cent. B.C.
Hellenic trireme, 7th-4th cent. B.C.
Macedonian hexarene, 4th-3rd cent. B.C.
Byzantine dromon, 5th-11th cent. A.D.
2011 希腊 希腊古代船舶 (6全)
Brig - Paron 1821
Mistiko - Galliot 17th c.
Corvette 18th c.
Ionian - Cretan galley 16th c.
Commercial Sakoleva 19th c.
Latinadiko in shipyard 18th c.
2012 希腊 希腊古代船舶 (6全)
2013 希腊 2400th Anniversary of the Founding of Plato's Academy (1MS全)
2013 希腊 阿索斯山向希腊舰队投降 (1全)
克里特岛地图 Cluverius P., 1676
2013 希腊 克里特岛回归希腊100周年 (2-2)
Fresco Fragment
2014 希腊 希腊担任欧盟轮值主席国
300 Years from birth of St.Kosmas the Aetolian
2014 希腊 纪念邮票
2015 希腊 问候邮票 (4全)
Ship-wreck, Classical period
Ship-wreck, Antikythera
Ship-wreck, Byzantine period, Rhodos
Ship-wreck with Sarcophagus
2015 希腊 旅游:潜水 (6全)
Aristotle and Alexander (Teacher and student)
Aristotle and Plato (Student and teacher)
小本票封皮:Aristotle and Alexander (Teacher and student)
2016 希腊 哲学家亚里士多德诞生2400周年 (3MS全)
2016 希腊 里约热内卢奥运会 (2全)
2016 希腊 120th Anniversary of the 1st Marathon (1MS全)
The Kiss
Odysseus of Antikythera
Poseidon of Livadostra
Athenian Youth
The kiss
Odysseus of Antikythera
Poseidon of Livadostra
Athenian Youth
The Mycenaean Lady
2017 希腊 国家考古博物馆150周年 (6全)
2017 希腊 Sanctuary of Amarynthia Artemis (1MS全)
Chilon of Sparta
Cleobulus of Lindos
Periander of Corinth
Pittacus of Mytilene
Solon of Athens
Thales of Miletus
Bias of Priene
2017 希腊 古代七贤 (7全)
Logo of Apostoliki diakonia of Greek church
Icon of Saint Helen
2017 希腊 80th Anniversary of the Apostoliki Diakonia of the Church of Greece (1+1MS全)
2018 希腊 Myrtis (1MS全)
2019 希腊 古希腊作家 (5全)
2020 希腊 伊庇鲁斯地区的古代剧场 (5全)
Golden Earings with doves, Benaki Museum
Golden Buckle, Byzantine Museum
Silver necklace, Benaki Museum
Bridal Breast Ornament, Benaki Museum
2021 希腊 地中海邮政联盟:手工艺饰品 (4全)
2022 希腊 埃尔金石雕 (4全)

埃尔金石雕或译艾尔金石雕(Elgin Marbles;又称Parthenon Marbles)是古希腊时期雕塑家菲狄亚斯及其助手创作的一组大理石雕,原藏于帕特农神庙和雅典卫城的其他建筑中。



2022 希腊 地中海邮政联盟:水下考古 (2全)

left|世界遗产标志 巴赛的辅助者阿波罗神庙(Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:巴赛的辅助者阿波罗神庙

left|世界遗产标志 埃皮达鲁斯的阿斯克勒庇俄斯圣所(Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:埃皮达鲁斯的阿斯克勒庇俄斯圣所

left|世界遗产标志 雅典卫城(Acropolis, Athens)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:雅典卫城

left|世界遗产标志 德尔斐的考古地点(Archaeological Site of Delphi)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:德尔斐的考古地点

left|世界遗产标志 米斯特拉斯考古遗址(Archaeological Site of Mystras)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:米斯特拉斯考古遗址

left|世界遗产标志 奥林匹亚的考古地点(Archaeological Site of Olympia)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:奥林匹亚的考古地点

left|世界遗产标志 提洛岛(Delos)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:提洛岛

left|世界遗产标志 萨摩斯岛的毕达哥利翁和赫拉神庙(Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:萨摩斯岛的毕达哥利翁和赫拉神庙

left|世界遗产标志 韦尔吉纳的考古遗址(Archaeological Site of Aigai (modern name Vergina))为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:韦尔吉纳的考古遗址

left|世界遗产标志 迈锡尼和梯林斯的考古地点(Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:迈锡尼和梯林斯的考古地点

left|世界遗产标志 腓立比考古遗址(Archaeological Site of Philippi)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:腓立比考古遗址

left|世界遗产标志 达夫尼修道院_俄西俄斯罗卡斯和希俄斯的新修道院(Monasteries of Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of Chios)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:达夫尼修道院_俄西俄斯罗卡斯和希俄斯的新修道院

left|世界遗产标志 塞萨洛尼基的早期基督教和拜占庭古迹群(Paleochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessalonika)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:塞萨洛尼基的早期基督教和拜占庭古迹群

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