
Arabic calligraphy is the artistic practice of handwriting Arabic script in a fluid manner to convey harmony, grace and beauty. The practice, which can be passed down through formal and informal education, uses the twenty-eight letters of the Arabic alphabet, written in cursive, from right to left. Originally intended to make writing clear and legible, it gradually became an Islamic Arab art for traditional and modern works. The fluidity of Arabic script offers infinite possibilities, even within a single word, as letters can be stretched and transformed in numerous ways to create different motifs. Traditional techniques use natural materials, such as reeds and bamboo stems for the qalam, or writing instrument. A mixture of honey, black soot and saffron is used for the ink, and the paper is handmade and treated with starch, egg white and alum. Modern calligraphy commonly uses markers and synthetic paint, and spray paint is used for calligraffiti on walls, signs and buildings. Artisans and designers also use Arabic calligraphy for artistic enhancement, such as for marble and wood carving, embroidery and metal etching. Arabic calligraphy is widespread in Arab and non-Arab countries and is practised by men and women of all ages. Skills are transmitted informally or through formal schools or apprenticeships.

国别 沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia
阿尔及利亚 Algeria
巴林 Bahrain
埃及 Egypt
伊拉克 Iraq
约旦 Jordan
科威特 Kuwait
黎巴嫩 Lebanon
毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania
摩洛哥 Morocco
阿曼 Oman
巴勒斯坦 Palestine
苏丹 Sudan
突尼斯 Tunisia
阿联酋 United Arab Emirates
也门 Yemen
英文名称Arabic calligraphy: knowledge, skills and practices

发行国家/地区:沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia

2021 沙特阿拉伯 阿拉伯书法年 (3MS全)
  • 非遗/阿拉伯国家/沙特阿拉伯/阿拉伯书法_知识_技艺和实践.txt
  • 最后更改: 12月前
  • 青团00