
梅尔卡·昆图尔(Melka Kunture)和巴尔奇特(Balchit)考古与古生物遗址系列遗产是位于阿瓦什河上游河谷的史前遗址群,保存着丰富的考古遗迹与包括脚印在内的古生物记录,展现了200万年前人族在该地区的生活痕迹。遗址位于海拔约2000-2200米处,年代久远的地层出土了直立人、海德堡人、古智人化石,以及以火山岩制成的各种工具。遗存的文化序列包括4个连续阶段的技术复合体:奥杜韦文化、阿舍利文化、中石器时代、石器时代。埋藏在火山岩和沉积岩下的古地貌碎片及动植物化石,为重建更新世时代埃塞俄比亚高原的高山生态系统创造了条件,从而揭示远古人族如何适应高海拔地区的挑战与气候条件。

Located in the Upper Awash Valley in Ethiopia, the serial property is a cluster of prehistoric sites that preserve archaeological and palaeontological records – including footprints – that testify to the area’s occupation by the hominin groups from two million years ago. The sites, situated about 2,000 to 2,200 metres above sea level, yielded Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis and archaic Homo sapiens fossils, documented in well-dated strata in association with various tools made from volcanic rocks. The cultural sequence includes four consecutive phases of the Oldowan, Acheulean, Middle Stone Age and Late Stone Age techno-complexes. Fragments of palaeo-landscapes, preserved buried under volcanic and sedimentary deposits with fossil fauna and flora, allow reconstruction of the high-mountain ecosystem of the Ethiopian Highlands during the Pleistocene. Conclusions can thus be drawn on the adaptation of hominin groups to the challenges and climatic conditions of high altitudes.

发行国家/地区:埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia

  • 非洲/埃塞俄比亚/梅尔卡_昆图尔和巴尔奇特_埃塞俄比亚高原地区的考古和古生物遗址.txt
  • 最后更改: 3月前