
南非更新世人类遗址系列遗产有助于我们了解行为现代性人类的起源,其认知能力、文化及其所经历的气候变化。遗产由分布在南非西开普省和夸祖鲁—纳塔尔省的3处考古遗址组成:迪普克鲁夫(Diepkloof)岩棚、品尼高点(Pinnacle Point)遗址群和西布杜(Sibhudu)洞穴。它们为现代人类行为的发展历程提供了种类最丰富、保存最完好的记录,最早可追溯至16.2万年前。赭石加工、雕刻图案、装饰珠、装饰蛋壳、先进的弹射武器和工具制造技术以及细石器,都是当时象征思维和先进技术的例证。

This serial property contributes to the understanding of the origin of behaviourally modern humans, their cognitive abilities and cultures, and the climatic transitions that they survived. It is composed of three dispersed archaeological sites, Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Pinnacle Point Site Complex, and Sibhudu Cave, located in the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces of South Africa. These sites provide the most varied and best-preserved record known of the development of modern human behaviour, reaching back as far as 162,000 years. Symbolic thought and advanced technologies are exemplified by evidence of ochre processing, engraved patterns, decorative beads, decorated eggshells, advanced projectile weapons and techniques for toolmaking, and microliths.


1723-001 Diepkloof Rock Shelter

1723-002 Pinnacle Point Site Complex

1723-003 Sibhudu Cave

发行国家/地区:南非 South Africa

  • 非洲/南非/现代人的出现_南非更新世人类遗址.txt
  • 最后更改: 3月前