
乌姆吉马尔(Umm Al-Jimāl)是约旦北部的乡村聚落,大约于公元5世纪在早期罗马定居点的基础上自然发展起来,并一直延续到8世纪末。它保留了拜占庭时期和早期伊斯兰时期的玄武岩建筑,展现了霍兰(Hauran)地区的建筑风格,以及一些被后来的居民改作他用的原罗马军事建筑。聚落所在的广袤农业景观还包括一个复杂的集水系统,维持着农业和畜牧业的发展。乌姆吉马尔发掘的最早期建筑可追溯至公元1世纪,当时该地区是纳巴泰王国的疆域。这里出土了丰富的希腊文、纳巴泰文、萨法伊文、拉丁文、阿拉伯文铭文资料,跨越多个世纪,为深入了解当地历史提供了依据,并揭示了居民宗教信仰的演变。

The property is a rural settlement in northern Jordan that developed organically on the site of an earlier Roman settlement around the 5th century CE and functioned until the end of the 8th century CE. It preserves basaltic structures from the Byzantine and Early Islamic periods that represent the local architecture style of the Hauran region, with some earlier Roman military buildings re-purposed by later inhabitants. The settlement formed part of a broader agricultural landscape that included a complex water catchment system, which sustained agriculture and animal herding. The earliest structures uncovered at Umm Al-Jimāl date back to the 1st century CE, when the area formed part of the Nabataean Kingdom. A rich epigraphic corpus in Greek, Nabataean, Safaitic, Latin and Arabic uncovered on the site and spanning many centuries provides insights into its history, and sheds light on the changes in its inhabitants’ religious beliefs.

国别约旦 Jordan
英文名称Umm Al-Jimāl

发行国家/地区: 约旦 Jordan

2015 约旦 古迹 (5-2)
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  • 最后更改: 2月前