
法乌(al-Faw)古城坐落于阿拉伯半岛古代贸易路线的战略要冲,在公元5世纪左右突遭遗弃。目前发现的近1.2万处考古遗迹涵盖史前时代至前伊斯兰时代后期,见证了3个族群先后在此居住的痕迹,以及他们对不断变化环境条件的适应过程。考古遗迹包括旧石器时代和新石器时代的早期人类工具、锥形结构、石堆和圆形建筑、哈希姆·卡里亚(Khashm Qaryah)圣山、石刻、山谷中的土冢和石冢、堡垒/商队驿站、绿洲和古老的水务系统,以及法乌古城遗址。

Lying at a strategic point of the ancient trade routes of the Arabian Peninsula, the property was abruptly abandoned around the 5th century CE. Nearly 12,000 archaeological remains have been found, spanning from prehistoric times to the Late pre-Islamic era, testifying to the successive occupation of three different populations and their adaptation to the evolving environmental conditions. Archaeological features include the Palaeolithic and Neolithic tools of early people, tapered structures, cairns and circular constructions, the sacred mountain of Khashm Qaryah, rock carvings, funerary tumuli and cairns in the valley, forts/caravanserai, the oasis and its ancient water management system, and the vestiges of the city of Qaryat al-Faw.

国别沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia
英文名称The Cultural Landscape of Al-Faw Archaeological Area

发行国家/地区:沙特阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia

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