
圣希拉里翁修道院 / 特尔乌姆阿迈尔(Tell Umm Amer)遗址位于努赛赖特市的海岸沙丘地带,是中东最古老的修道院之一,其历史可追溯至公元4世纪。它由圣希拉里翁创建,从最初隐居修士的容身之所逐渐发展为集体修道社区,成为“圣地”首个修道院社区,为修道院习俗在当地的传播奠定基础。修道院坐落在亚非大陆多条贸易及交通要道的交汇之处,优越的地理位置使其成为宗教、文化、经济交流的枢纽,以及拜占庭时期沙漠修道中心蓬勃发展的范例。

Situated on the coastal dunes in Nuseirat Municipality, the ruins of Saint Hilarion Monastery/ Tell Umm Amer represent one of the earliest monastic sites in the Middle East, dating back to the 4th century. Founded by Saint Hilarion, the monastery began with solitary hermits and evolved into a coenobitic community. It was the first monastic community in the Holy Land, laying the groundwork for the spread of monastic practices in the region. The monastery occupied a strategic position at the crossroads of major trade and communication routes between Asia and Africa. This prime location facilitated its role as a hub of religious, cultural, and economic interchange, exemplifying the flourishing of monastic desert centres during the Byzantine period.

国别巴勒斯坦 Palestine
英文名称Saint Hilarion Monastery/ Tell Umm Amer

发行国家/地区:巴勒斯坦 Palestine

  • 阿拉伯国家/巴勒斯坦/圣希拉里翁修道院_特尔乌姆阿迈尔.txt
  • 最后更改: 2月前