
Mother's affection
Virgin Mary and Child
1943 希腊 福利邮票 (3全)
St. Paul
1951 希腊 圣保罗抵达希腊1900年 (4全)
St. Martin of horse - Marienchurch Dancama 16世纪
Rikard Jacopik 自画像
1956 南斯拉夫 南斯拉夫艺术和建筑 (12-8,11,12)
Swearing-in by Dionysios Tsokos
flag,Passport of the Filiki Eteria
1965 希腊 友谊社150周年 (2全)
“Farmhouse” by Gheorge Petrascu
“Resting Reapers” by Camil Ressu
1966 罗马尼亚 艺术作品 (6-1,3)
Night by John Cossos (1822-1875)
Penelope by Leonidas Drosis (1836-1882)
Shepherd by George Fytalis (1830-1880)
Woman's torso by Cost. Demetriades (1881-1943)
Kolokotronis by Lazaros Sochos (1862-1911)
Sleeping young lady by Giannoulis Halepas (1851-1938)
Wood-chopper by Demetris Philippotis (1839-1919)
1967 希腊 希腊雕塑 (7全)
Discus-thrower by Cons. Demetriades
1967 希腊 体育 (5-4)
'Master Lambton' (Sir Thomas Lawrence)
'Mares and Foals in a Landscape' (George Stubbs)
'Children Coming Out of School' (L.S.Lowry)
1967 英国 British Painters (3全)
'The Adoration of the Shepherds' (School of Seville)
'The Adoration of the Shepherds' (Loius Le Nain)
1967 英国 圣诞节 (3全)
'Queen Elizabeth I' (Unknown Artist)
'Pinkie' (Lawrence)
'Ruins of St Mary Le Port' (Piper)
'The Hay Wain' (Constable)
1968 英国 british painting (4全)
“Discus thrower” by C. Demetriades
1968 希腊 体育 (7-6)
St. John on Patmos, by Juan Mates
1968 加蓬 圣诞节 (3-3)
Small Girl Presenting Cherries by John Russell
1970 刚果 绘画 (5-1)
“L´Amant Couronne”, by Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard
1970 刚果 巴洛克艺术 (3-3)
'A Mountain Road' (T.P.Flanagan)
'Deers meadow' (Tom Carr)
'Slieve na brock' (Colin Middleton)
1971 英国 Ulster '71 Paintings (3全)
Details from “Regatta on the Grand Canal“
Details from “Regatta on the Grand Canal,” by School of Cana
1972 喀麦隆 联合国教科文组织拯救威尼斯运动 (3全)
'Self-portrait' (Sir Joshua Reynolds)
'Self-portrait' (Sir Henry Raeburn)
'Nelly O'Brien' (Sir Joshua Reynolds)
'Rev R.Walker (The Skater)' (Sir Henry Raeburn)
1973 英国 British Painters (4全)
“Old Scraps,” by John Frederick Peto, 1894
1974 美国 万国邮联100周年 (8-3)
St. Mark's lion
Merchants in the Doge's Palace
1974 伊朗 拯救威尼斯 (2全)
Virgin of Autun 15世纪雕塑
1974 喀麦隆 圣诞节 (2-1)
Bronze Statue of Sir Winston Churchill by Oscar Nemon (1906-1985).
1974 卢森堡 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Sir Winston Churchill, 1874-1965 (1全)
The burning bush by Nicolas Fromet
1975 喀麦隆 圣诞节 (2-1)
“Arsanas” (Shipyard) by Spyros Papaloukas (1892-1957)
“Santorini” by Konstantinos Maleas (1879-1928)
“The straw hat” by Nicolaos Lytras (1883-1927)
“Spring” by George Jacovides (1853-1932)
1977 希腊 绘画 (6全)
1978 法属南部和南极领地 French Navigators' Memorial, Hobar (1全)
Bas-relief monument by Edmond Lux of Diekirch
1979 卢森堡 180th Anniversary of the Peasant Uprising against the French (1全)
'Saddling “Mahmoud” for the Derby, 1936' (Sir Alfred Munnings)
'The Liverpool Great National Steeple Chase, 1839' (aquatint by F.C. Turner)
'The First Spring Meeting, Newmarket, 1793' (J.N. Sartorius)
'Racing at Dorsett Ferry, Windsor, 1684' (Francis Barlow)
1979 英国 Horseracing (4全)
卢森堡市 国家储蓄银行大楼 入口左侧墨丘利雕像 by Jean Mich (1871-1919)
卢森堡市 国家储蓄银行大楼 入口左侧刻瑞斯雕像 by Jean Mich (1871-1919)
1980 卢森堡 新艺术运动风格 (2全)
“He Is Happy Thanks To You” by Theodore Poulakis
1980 希腊 圣诞节 (3全)
Virgin and child, by Froment
1981 喀麦隆 圣诞节 (3-1)
1981 法属南部和南极领地 Michèle Garreau (1全)
Painting “Apple Trees in Blossom”, Frantz Seimetz (1858-1914
Painting “Landscapes” by Pierre Blanc (1872-1946)
Painting “The Larger Hallerbach”, Guido Oppenheim (1862-1942
Painting “Winter Evening” by Eugène Mousset (1877-1941)
1982 卢森堡 四季 (4全)
“Adoration of the Shepperd (Painting by Lucas Bosch)
1983 卢森堡 慈善邮票
Pieta, by Hernandez
1984 喀麦隆 复活节 (2-1)
小本票封皮:诸圣像 18世纪
1984 希腊 圣诞节 (4全)
Madonna and Child enthroned
The adoration of the Magi
Jesus Christ and John the Evangelist
1986 希腊 圣诞节 (3全)
“Composition” by A.Apergi
“Delphic Light” by G.Sklav
1987 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:现代建筑 (2全)
1988 希腊 圣诞节 (2全)
Painting “Three Children in a Park”, 19th Century, Anonymus
Painting “Child with Drum”, 17th Century, Anonymus
1989 卢森堡 欧罗巴邮票:儿童游戏 (2全)
King Charles Spaniel
A Pointer
Two Hounds in a Landscape
A Rough Dog
'Fino and Tiny
1991 英国 Dogs Paintings by George Stubbs (5全)
1993 希腊 欧罗巴邮票:现代艺术 (2全)
Rezlop, Fernand Roda (*1951)
So Close, Sonja Roef (*1952)
1993 卢森堡 欧罗巴邮票:现代艺术 (2全)
Castell y Waun (Chirck Castle), Clwyd, Wales
Ben Arkle, Sutherland, Scotland
Mourne Mountains, County Down, Northern Ireland
Deringham, Norfolk, England
Dolwyddelan, Gwynedd, Wales
1994 英国 25th Anniversary of Investiture of the Prince of Wales (5全)
'Troilus and Criseyde' (Peter Brookes)
'Girls on the Town' (Beryl Cook)
'Jazz' (Andrew Mockett)
'Girls performing a Kathal Dance' (Aurangzeb period)
'Alice Keppel with her Daughter' (Alice Hughes)
'Children Playing' (L.S. Lowry)
'Circus Clowns' (Emily Firmin and Justin Mitchell)
Decoration from 'All the Love Poems of Shakespeare' (Eric Gill)
1995 英国 问候 (10全)
画家米哈伊·蒙卡奇肖像 by Edouard Charlemont (1884)
1996 卢森堡 画家米哈伊·蒙卡奇艺术展 (2-1)
Bronze Statue “L'Abbraccio” by Josée Kerschen (*1952)
1996 卢森堡 让我们一起生活 (2-2)
Icon “The Birth of Christ” by Eva Mates-Bengtsson (*1955)
1996 卢森堡 圣诞节 (1全)
Painting “Postmen” by Michel Engels (1851-1901)
1997 卢森堡 国际邮展 (2-2)
Enamel panel by German artist Egino Weinert.
1997 卢森堡 圣诞节 (1全)
“Nativity”, Altarpiece by Georges Saget (1915-1993) displayed at the Abbey of St. Mauritius in Clervaux.
1998 卢森堡 圣诞节 (1全)
Abstract Artwork by Mett Hoffmann (1914-1993)
2000 卢森堡 艺术 (3-3)
the graves by Fr Langlois
2000 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
Reflections, Mr. Borotra
2001 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
Point of west
2002 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
Abstract Artwork by Moritz Ney (*1947)
Abstract Artwork by Dany Prum (*1965)
Abstract Artwork by Christiane Schmit (*1951)
2002 卢森堡 艺术 (3全)
Mational Lottery Poster (by Roger Gerson)
2003 卢森堡 欧罗巴邮票:插画艺术 (2-1)
Dinner table
2004 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
Black Madonna and Child from Haiti
'Madonna and Child' (Marianne Stokes)
'The Virgin mary with Infant Christ'
Choctaw Virgin Mother and Child (Fr. John Giuliani)
'Madonna and the Infant Jesus' (from India)
'Come let us adore Him' (Dianne Tchumut)
2005 英国 Christmas 2005 (6全)
Woman (painting by A. Huberty)
2005 卢森堡 埃特尔布吕克神经精神病学医疗中心150周年 (1全)
Seascape, artistic expression of Patrick Derible
2005 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
The Prohibition, painting by Jean-Claude Girardin
2006 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
Portrait of Winston Churchill by Walter Richard Sickert
Sir Joshua Reynolds by Sir Joshua Reynolds
Thomas Stearns Eliot by Patrick Heron
Emmeline Pankhurst by Georgina Brakenbury
Virginia Woolf by George Charles Beresford
Walter Scott by Sir Francis Chantry
Mary Seacole by Albert Charles Challen
William Shakespeare attributed to John Taylor
Dame Cicely Saunders by Catherine Goodman
Charles Darwin by John Collier
2006 英国 National Portrait Gallery (10全)
The Mi'kmaq Miquelon
2007 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
耶稣诞生 by Maestro Alberto
2008 马耳他 圣诞节 (3-2)
Drawing of the Coronation of Henry VII in 1312
2008 卢森堡 700th Death Anniversary of Henry VII (1全)
Back from fishing, painting by Foliot
2008 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
The bench blue. Table R. Goineau
2009 圣皮埃尔和密克隆 艺术系列 (1全)
圣母子(1861) 无名氏作
2010 罗马尼亚 圣诞节 (2-2)
'Stuffed head-Multiple portrait' - G. Gaitis (1923-1984)
'Orpheus, Hermes and Euridice' - N.Engonopoulos (1907-1985)
'Erotic' by Yannis Moralis (1916-2009)
'Sailor sitting at table' by Y. Tsarouchis (1910-1989)
'Wattle Fences' by N. Hadjikyriakos-Ghikas (1906-1994)
'The Drawing' by D. Diamantopoulos (1914-1995)
2010 希腊 当代艺术 (6全)
“Aigaion V” - K.Grammatopoulos (1916-2003)
“The Peacock” - G.Kefallinos (1894-1957)
“Maria” - A.Tassos (1914-1985)
“Plastikes Rimes” - D.Galanis (1879-1966)
“Mikros Kavalaris” - V.Katraki (1914-1988)
2011 希腊 20世纪的希腊雕刻师 (5全)
Mary ‘May’ Morris
2012 英国 杰出的英国人
2014 希腊 纪念邮票
Grayson Perry - Summer Exhibition
Fiona Rae - Queen of the Sky
Norman Ackroyd - St Kilda: The Great Sea Stacs
Barbara Rae - Inverleith Allotments and Edinburgh Castle
Yinka Shonibare - Queuing at the RA
Tracey Emin - Saying Goodbye
2018 英国 皇家艺术学院 (6全)
Jean Mich, Sculptor
2018 卢森堡 名人 (1全)
“Black Market” (detail), by Pierre Blanc
2018 卢森堡 第一次世界大战结束100周年 (1MS全)
Two Warriors
Georgios Karaiskakis Riding on Horseback
Karaiskakis' Camp
War Scene
Grateful Hellas
2021 希腊 Greek Revolution of 1821 - National Gallery (4+1MS全)
Flute Player. by Amar Nath Sehgal
Friends. by Amar Nath Sehgal
2023 卢森堡 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with India (2全)
2023 西班牙 The Holy Family by Juan Fernández de Navarrete (1MS全)
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