

Relief of the Ship of State
1954 葡萄牙 财政部成立150周年 (2全)
1974 葡萄牙 欧罗巴邮票:雕塑 (3全)
“The Horseman of the Apocalypse” (detail of 12th-cent manusc
“Fernando Pessoa (poet)” (A. Negreiros)
1975 葡萄牙 欧罗巴邮票:绘画 (2全)
1982 葡萄牙 800th Anniversary of the Birth of Francis of Assisi (2全)
Detail of painting in National Museum of Old Arts, Lisboa Portugal
Santiago, Detail of painting in National Museum of Old Arts, Lisboa Portugal
View from Lisboa, Detail of painting for unknown painter in National Museum of Old Arts, Lisboa Portugal
Head of Young by Domingos Sequeira, Detail of painting in National Museum of Old Arts, Lisboa Portugal
1984 葡萄牙 葡萄牙-巴西邮票展 (4全)
Bijbelse voorstellingen
The Adoration of the Magi, Book of D. Manuel I, XVI century
1985 葡萄牙 圣诞节 (2全)
1987 葡萄牙 100th Anniversary of Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso (1全)
1988 葡萄牙 20世纪绘画 (6全)
Anithesis of Calm, Antonio Dacosta
'Unscilled Mason's lunch“ ,Julio Pomar
'Simumis', Vespeira
'046-72', F. Lanhas
'Spirals' ,Nadir Afonso
'Sim', Carlos Calvet
1989 葡萄牙 20世纪绘画 (6全)
'Aluenda-Tordesillas', J.Rodrigo
'Painting' ,Luis Noronha da Costa
'Painting' , Vasco Costa
'Dom Sebastiao' ,Costa Pinheiro
'Domestic scene , Paula Rego
'Homage to Margritte', Jose de Guimaraes
1990 葡萄牙 20世纪绘画 (6全)
“Isabella of Portugal and Philip the Good” (anon)
1991 葡萄牙 欧洲文化节 (1MS全)
1992 葡萄牙 450th Anniversary of the Arrival of the Portuguese in Japan (2全)
1992 葡萄牙 EUROPA Stamps - The 500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America (1全)
1993 葡萄牙 100th Anniversary of the Birth of José de Almada Negreiros (2全)
Contemporary Art - José Escada
Contemporary Art - José Escada
1993 葡萄牙 欧罗巴邮票:现代艺术 (2全)
1993 亚速尔群岛 欧罗巴邮票:现代艺术 (2全)
1994 葡萄牙 圣诞节 (1全)
1995 葡萄牙 艺术发现 (6+1MS全)
Vieira da Silva
1996 葡萄牙 欧罗巴邮票:著名女性 (1MS全)
The Adoration of the Magi
St. Mary Magdalene
St. Peter, St. Paul and St. Andrew
1996 马德拉群岛 绘画 (4全)
Guiomar Vilhena
1996 马德拉群岛 欧罗巴邮票:著名女性 (1全)
1998 葡萄牙 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Bernardo Marques (1全)
1999 葡萄牙 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Jaime Martins Barata (1全)
(左上)Antonio Domingues(右上)Fernando de Azevedo(左下)Antonio Pedro(中下)Vespeira(右下)Moniz Pereira
1999 葡萄牙 葡萄牙超现实主义50周年 (1MS全)
1999 亚速尔群岛 绘画 (4全)
2000 葡萄牙 耶稣诞生2000周年 (1全)
Hen with chicks; Paintings (1884)
2001 葡萄牙 100th Anniversary of the National Fine Arts Association (2+1MS全)
Poster of Fred Kradolf
Poster of Fred Kradolf
2003 葡萄牙 欧罗巴邮票:海报艺术 (2全)
Funchal Bay by W.G. James
Creche by Manuel Orlando Noronha Gois
O Largo de Fonte by Andrew Picken
Le Depart by Martha Teles
Photograph of Vicente Gomes da Silva,Photograph of Jorge Bettencourt
2003 马德拉群岛 马德拉的博物馆 (4+1MS全)
2004 葡萄牙 圣诞节 (4+1MS全)
2004 葡萄牙 葡萄牙的葡萄栽培 (5+1MS全)
2005 葡萄牙 150th Anniversary of the Birth of José Malhoa (2+1MS全)
Manuel Cargaleiro
Manuel Cargaleiro
Manuel Cargaleiro
2007 葡萄牙 葡萄牙艺术家 (3全)
2005 葡萄牙 Tribute to Álvaro Cunhal
Amadeo de Souza Cardoso - “Sem
Niki de Saint Phalle - “Les Ba
Oscar Dominguez - “Le Couple”
Man Ray - “Cafe Man Ray”
Joana Vasconcelos - “Nectar”
Jackson Polock - “Head”
2007 葡萄牙 贝拉多收藏博物馆(Berardo Collection Museum)馆藏作品 (8全)
Nadir Afonso
Nadir Afonso
Nadir Afonso
2007 葡萄牙 葡萄牙艺术家 (3全)
2007 葡萄牙 欧洲审计法院200周年 (3+1MS全)
2009 葡萄牙 800 Years of the Franciscan Order (1+1MS全)
2009 葡萄牙 Canonization of the Blessed Nuno De Santa Maria - D.Nuno Alvares Pereira (1全)
Julio Pomar
Francisco dos Santos
Costa Pinheiro
Bento Condado
Luis Macieira
Joao Abel Manta
Joao Machado
André Carrilho
2010 葡萄牙 Busts of the Republic (8全)
2011 葡萄牙 法朵 (6+1MS-MS)
” The Grey Glove ” painting by Columbano
“Sadness” painting by Amadeo Souza-Cardoso
Almada Negreiros
Fernando Lanhas
Lourdes Castro
João Maria Gusmão e Pedro Paiva
Julião Sarmento, Fernando Taborda
2011 葡萄牙 Paintings - The 100th Anniversary of the Museo Nacional de Arte (6+1MS全)
Criação de Eva
Moisés no Deserto
Adoração dos Reis Magos
Última Ceia
Tríptico da Paixão de Cristo
2012 葡萄牙 宗教绘画 (4+2MS全)
Canone de Avicena
Canone de Avicena
2013 葡萄牙 A Thousand Years of the Avicenna Canon (1+1MS全)
Coraçăo Independente Vermelho
2013 葡萄牙 Art of Joana Vasconcelos (2全)
2014 葡萄牙 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Blessed Friar Bartolomeu dos Mártires, 1514-1590 (1+1MS全)
2014 葡萄牙 Portalegre Tapestries (6+1MS全)
2015 葡萄牙 500th Anniversary of the Birth of Saint Teresa of Jesus, 1515-1582 (1+1MS全)
Francisco Vieira, the Portuense
2015 葡萄牙 名人
“Saint Vincent Panels”(局部), by Nuno Gonçalves
“Saint Vincent Panels”(局部), by Nuno Gonçalves
2016 葡萄牙 葡萄牙博物馆珍宝 (2+2MS-2,MS2)
Cascaes, by Frederico Draw
Avarina, by Add Fuel
Grande Malha
Terra Mar, by Alexandre Farto
2017 葡萄牙 欧洲青年之都:卡斯凯什 (4+1MS全)
2017 葡萄牙 800th Anniversary of the Dominicans Order (1+1MS全)
2017 葡萄牙 Portuguese Textile Industry (4+1MS全)
Manuel da Nóbrega (1517-1570)
Francisco de Holanda
2017 葡萄牙 名人
2018 葡萄牙 欧洲文化遗产年 (4+1MS全)
Domingos Sequeira, Painter
Tomás da Anunciação, Painter
2018 葡萄牙 名人
  • 艺术/欧洲/葡萄牙.txt
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