

Storming of Izmail
Portrait of A.V. Suvorov
1941 苏联 150th Anniversary of Battle of Izmail (4全)
“Puskin in his early Lyceum years” based on gravure by Ye. Geitman
Pushkin's Portrait by O. Kiprensky
1949 苏联 普希金诞生150周年 (2全)
苏沃洛夫元帅像 by George Dawe
苏沃洛夫元帅像 by George Dawe
Suvorov in the Alps, N. Avvakumov
1950 苏联 俄国元帅亚历山大·瓦西里耶维奇·苏沃洛夫逝世150周年 (5全)
Portrait of Ivan Aivazovsky, Alexey Tyranov
1950 苏联 画家伊凡·康斯坦丁诺维奇·艾瓦佐夫斯基逝世50周年 (3-3)
Lenin in Razliv, sculpture by V. Pinchuk (1935)
1950 苏联 列宁逝世26周年 (3-1)
V.I. Lenin in Razliv, M. Sokolov 1917
Lenin Among Delegates of 3rd Congress of Komsomol By P. Belousov, 1949
1951 苏联 列宁逝世27周年 (2全)
Youth of V.I. Lenin, V. Prager
Lenin and Children, A. Varlamov
1952 苏联 列宁逝世28周年 (3全)
Portrait by N. Bestuzhev
1952 苏联 诗人亚历山大·伊万诺维奇·奥多耶夫斯基诞生150周年 (1全)
Portrait of V.I. Lenin, M. Rundaltsev
V.I. Lenin in Kazan University, A. Pushnin
1954 苏联 列宁逝世30周年 (5全)
Repairing the Railway
1955 苏联 50th Death Anniversary of K.A.Savitsky (1全)
V.I. Lenin Among Peasants of Shushenskoye Village
The First Leaflet (Lenin Among Workers in Secret Press)
Lenin and N. Krupskaya Among Peasants in Gorki in 1921
1955 苏联 列宁诞生85周年 (3全)
Vladimir Lenin,P. Otsup, 1918
攻打冬宫 P. Sokolov-Skal, 1939
权力归于苏维埃 和平归于国家 D. Nalbandyan, 1950
1955 苏联 十月革命胜利38周年 (3全)
1955 苏联 150th Death Anniversary of F.I.Shubin (2全)
Lenin on the Rostrum,by 1953, P. Vasilev
1956 苏联 列宁诞生86周年 (1全)
Nikolai Chernyshevsky
1957 苏联 作家 (2-2)
1958 苏联 Bicentenary of the Academy of Fine Arts of the USSR (1全)
Ivan Shadr (1887-1941)
1962 苏联 俄罗斯艺术家 (3-3)
1964 苏联 Birth Centenary of A.S. Golubkina (1864-1927) (1全)
Woman with Poster “Motherland Calls” (by Irakli Toidse)
The Battle for Moscow, Vladimir Bogatkin
Rest After Battle, Yuri Neprintsev
“Our Banner is the Banner of Victory”, (by Viktor Ivanov)
Mourning the Fallen Hero, Fyodor Bogorodsky
“People and Army Are Invincible”, (Victor Koretzky)
1965 苏联 卫国战争胜利20周年 (10全)
Statue of French Writer and Philosopher Voltaire
1966 苏联 艾尔米塔什博物馆藏艺术品 (5-3)
“The Interrogation of Communist” 1933, B. V. Iogabson (1893-
1967 苏联 特列季亚科夫画廊藏绘画 (9-1)
Lenin near GOELRO Map, L. Shmatko (1957)
The First Cavalry, M. Grekov (1924)
Working Students on the March, B. Ioganson (1928)
Peoples Friendship, S. Karpov (1924)
Morning of Five-Year Plan, Ya. Romas (1934)
Victory in Second World War, Yu. Korolev (1965)
“Builders of Communism” (Merpert & Skripkov, 1965)
1967 苏联 十月革命50周年 (10+1MS全)
Lenin as a School Student, V. Tsigal (1949)
Lenin at Razliv, V. Pinchuk (1935)
Bust of Lenin in Ulan-Ude, G. & Yu. Neroda
Lenin as Leader, Nikolai Andreev (1931)
1967 苏联 列宁雕像 (5全)
Lenin as Leader, Nikolai Andreev (1931)
1967 苏联 列宁雕像 (1全)
Lenin, N. Andreev (1932)
Lenin on Marxist Meeting in Peterburg, A. Moravov (1930)
Second RSDRP Congress, Yu. Vinogradov (1952)
Visiting Lenin, F. Modorov (1947)
Conversation with Ilich, A. Shirokov (1963)
The First Day of Soviet Power, N. Babasuk
Builders of Communism; Korentsov, Merkulov and Burakov
Conquerors of the Cosmos, A. Deineka (1961)
1970 苏联 列宁诞生100周年 (10全)
1970 苏联 电气化计划50周年 (1全)
1970 苏联 100th Anniversary of the Birth of F.V.Sychkov (1全)
普里什文像 by Aleksey Kirillov (1918-1997)
1973 苏联 作家米哈伊尔·米哈伊洛维奇·普里什文诞生100周年 (1全)
View of Resurrection & Nikolsky Gates, Fyodor Alexeev (1811)
1972 苏联 俄罗斯绘画 (7-7)
Meeting of the Village Party Members, E.M. Cheptsov (1924)
Party Delegate, G.G. Ryazhsky (1927)
Partisan A.G. Lunev, N.I. Strunnikov (1929)
1972 苏联 苏联绘画 (6+1MS全)
“Hockey Players (mosaic)” 1959-1960, A.A.Dejneka (1899-1969)
1973 苏联 苏联绘画 (6+1MS-6)
Close to the Wind, E.F. Kalnyn (1962)
Daughter of Soviet Kyrgyzstan, S.A. Chuikov (1948)
1974 苏联 苏联绘画 (5全)
by Ivan D. Shadr
1974 苏联 50th Anniversary of Central Museum of the Revolution (1全)
A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), O. Kiprensky (1827)
1974 苏联 普希金诞生175周年 (1MS全)
M. Saryan, 1940
1975 苏联 100th Anniversary of the Birth of A.S.Isakyan (1全)
(D. N. Kardovsky, 1927)
1975 苏联 150th Anniversary of Decembrist Rising (1全)
“V. I. Lenin”. V. Tsyplakov
1975 苏联 列宁诞生105周年 (1全)
P. Vasil'ev (1972)
1976 苏联 列宁诞生106周年 (1全)
by K. V. Filatov, 1964-1965
1977 苏联 列宁诞生107周年 (1全)
Lenin's Return to Petrograd, Alexander Lopukhov (1953)
Returning, Vladimir Kostetsky (1947)
Workers' Morning, Mikhail Belsky (1960)
1979 苏联 乌克兰绘画 (5全)
Bargaining, Nikolai Vasilyevich Nevrev (1866)
1980 苏联 绘画 (5全)
Morning on Kulikovo Field, Alexander Bubnov (1947)
1980 苏联 库里科沃之战600周年 (1全)
“Rider” (1868) by Franz Rubo
1981 苏联 俄罗斯绘画 (4-4)
Deer, Nino A. Pirosmanashvili (1913)
Gurian Woman, Sh.G. Kikodze (1921)
Travelling Companions, U.M. Dzhaparidze (1936)
Shota Rustaveli, S.S. Kobuladze (1913)
Tea Pickers, V.D. Gudiashvili (1964)
1981 苏联 格鲁吉亚绘画 (5全)
1982 苏联 100th Anniversary of the Birth of M.B.Grekov (1全)
Young Partisan, E.A. Zaitsev (1908)
Partisan Madonna, M.A. Savitsky (1967)
Harvest, V.K. Tsvirko (1972)
1984 苏联 白俄罗斯绘画 (5全)
Title page of “The Princess Frog”
Hunter & Frog in Marshland
Old Man & Hunter in Forest
Crowd & Mute Swans
Title page of “Ivan Tsarevich, Fire-bird & the Grey Wolf”
Ivan & the Fire-bird
Grave & Ivan on Horse
Ivan & Princess
Title Page of “Vasilisa the Beautiful”
Knight on Horse
Tree-man in Forest
Vasilisa & Skulls
1984 苏联 Russian Tales in Illustrations by I.Ya.Bilibin (12全)
Alley in Albano, M.I. Lebedev (1837)
1986 苏联 特列季亚科夫画廊馆藏俄罗斯绘画 (5-1)
Birthday, N.A. Sysoev
Lenin with Delegates, Pyotr Belousov
Lenin's Underground Activity, D.A. Nalbandyan
Before the Assault, S.P. Viktorov
V.I. Lenin, N.A. Andreev (1920)
We'll Show the World a New Way, A.G. Lysenko
V.I. Lenin in Smolny, M.G. Sokolov (1917)
1987 苏联 列宁诞生117周年 (7全)
There Will be Cities in the Taiga, A.A. Yakovlev (1985)
Mother, V.V. Shcherbakov (1983-1985)
My Quiet Motherland, V.M. Sidorov (1981-1985)
In Yakutsk, Land of Pyotr Alekseev; A.N. Osipov (1984)
Ivan's Return, V.I. Yerofeev (1984)
Sun over Red Square, P.P. Ossovski (1984)
1987 苏联 苏联绘画 (5+1MS全)
V.I. Lenin, P.V. Vasiliev
Long Live the Socialist Revolution!; V.V. Kuznetsov
Before the Storm, V.V. Pimenov
列宁像 by V.V. Kozlov
1987 苏联 十月革命70周年 (5+1MS全)
柳树风景 (1890)
1988 苏联 画家Юлий Иванович诞生150周年 邮资明信片 PCWCS179 (1全)
Light-grey Arab Stallion, N. Sverchkov (1860)
Horsewoman on Orlov-Rastopchin Horse, N. Sverchkov
Sardar, an Akhaltekin Stallion; A. Villevalde
1988 苏联 马的绘画 (5全)
Victory Day, P.A. Krivonogov (1948)
1988 苏联 胜利节 (1全)
The Trinity, Icon by the Novgorod School
1988 苏联 苏联文化基金 (3+1MS-MS)
1988 苏联 十月革命71周年 (1全)
明信片图:自画像 康斯坦丁·马科夫斯基作
1989 苏联 画家康斯坦丁·马科夫斯基诞生150周年 邮资明信片 PCWCS190 (1全)
“Victory Banner”, (P. Loginov and V. Pamfilov)
1989 苏联 胜利节 (1全)
Lady in Hat, E.L. Zelenin (1988)
Portrait of Actress Bazhenova, A.F. Sofronov (1940)
Popov Porcelaine factory, Two Plates and Teapot
1989 苏联 苏联文化基金 (5全)
1989 苏联 十月革命72周年 (1全)
painting by N. Sysoev, 1986
1989 苏联 130th Birth Anniversary of A.S. Popov (1859-1906) (1全)
明信片图:圣彼得堡 彼得霍夫宫 潘多拉像 Fedot Shubin作
1990 苏联 雕塑家Fedot Shubin诞生250周年 邮资明信片 PCWCS205 (1全)
Victory Day, A. Lysenko (1945)
1990 苏联 胜利节 (1全)
1990 苏联 苏联文化基金 (2+1MS-MS)
1990 苏联 十月革命73周年 (1全)
左:Sorrento Coast with View of Capri, S.F. Shchedrin (1826),右:New Rome. View of St. Angelo's Castle; S. Shchedrin (1823)
1991 苏联 绘画 (2全)
May, 1945, A & S Tkachev (1981)
1991 苏联 胜利节 (1全)
1991 苏联 列宁诞生121周年 (1全)
明信片图:渔夫, 静物与balyks by Niko Pirosmani
1991 苏联 画家Niko Pirosmani诞生125周年 邮资明信片 PCWCS227 (1全)
1991 苏联 日本世界邮展 邮资明信片 PCWCS229 (1全)
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