
法国西南部塔恩河畔的阿尔比旧城,通过城中至今保存完好的旧桥、圣萨尔维堡以及堡中的教堂(十到十一世纪),为人们展示了中世纪在建筑和城市方面的发展。 13世纪,阿尔比十字军(Albigensian Crusade)镇压了卡特里派教会后,阿尔比市在一夜之间成为一座势力强大的主教派城市。阿尔比大教堂由本地生产的红砖与黄砖垒砌而成,具有独特的法国南方哥特式建筑风格,并带有防御工事,表现出罗马教会在重新占据主导地位后所拥有的强大势力。中世纪以来建立的居民区环绕着一座宏伟的主教宫殿——贝尔比宫(Palais de la Berbie),它俯瞰着塔恩河,并与大教堂相得益彰。标志性的古迹与几百年来依然保持原有的风貌街区构成了风格一致的阿尔比主教城。

On the banks of the Tarn river in south-west France, the old city of Albi reflects the culmination of a medieval architectural and urban ensemble. Today the Old Bridge (Pont-Vieux), the Saint-Salvi quarter and its church are testimony to its initial development (10th -11th centuries). Following the Albigensian Crusade against the Cathar heretics (13th century) it became a powerful episcopal city. Built in a unique southern French Gothic style from local brick in characteristic red and orange colours, the lofty fortified Cathedral (late 13th century) dominates the city, demonstrating the power regained by the Roman Catholic clergy. Alongside the Cathedral is the vast bishop’s Palais de la Berbie, overlooking the river and surrounded by residential quarters that date back to the Middle Ages. The Episcopal City of Albi forms a coherent and homogeneous ensemble of monuments and quarters that has remained largely unchanged over the centuries.

国别法国 France
英文名称Episcopal City of Albi

发行国家/地区:法国 France

1944 法国 慈善附捐邮票 (5-5)
St Cecilia大教堂的乐手装饰
2009 法国 St Cecilia Cathedral (1全)
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