
奥朗日古剧场坐落在隆河河谷(Rhone valley),正面长103米,是所有古罗马剧场中保存最完好的剧场之一。罗马凯旋门建造于公元10至25年,是从奥古斯都统治时期保存下来的外省凯旋门中最精美、最有意义的一个,上面刻有浅浮雕,用以纪念罗马帝国统治下的和平与繁荣。

Situated in the Rhone valley, the ancient theatre of Orange, with its 103-m-long facade, is one of the best preserved of all the great Roman theatres. Built between A.D. 10 and 25, the Roman arch is one of the most beautiful and interesting surviving examples of a provincial triumphal arch from the reign of Augustus. It is decorated with low reliefs commemorating the establishment of the Pax Romana.

国别法国 France
英文名称Roman Theatre and its Surroundings and the "Triumphal Arch" of Orange
登录年份1981 微小调整 2007


163-001 古罗马剧场 Théâtre antique

163-002 凯旋门 Arc de triomphe

发行国家/地区:法国 France

奥朗日 凯旋门
1938 法国 普通邮票 (8-3)
  • 欧洲和北美洲/法国/奥朗日的古罗马剧场及其周边和凯旋门.txt
  • 最后更改: 4年前
  • 青团00