
斯坦尼斯拉斯·莱什琴斯基(Stanislas Leszczynski),一个没有自己王国的国王,后来成了洛林公爵,他临时居住过的南锡则成了一个最古老而又最典型的现代首都典范。事实表明,这里受到启蒙思想影响的君主对公众需求确实敏感。1752年至1756年期间,建筑师埃赫尔(Héré)领导的一个才华横溢的团队修建了这个城市。这是一个精心设计的工程,成功地创造了一个既能提高王国声誉,又具有实用性的首都。

Nancy, the temporary residence of a king without a kingdom – Stanislas Leszczynski, later to become Duke of Lorraine – is paradoxically the oldest and most typical example of a modern capital where an enlightened monarch proved to be sensitive to the needs of the public. Built between 1752 and 1756 by a brilliant team led by the architect Héré, this was a carefully conceived project that succeeded in creating a capital that not only enhanced the sovereign's prestige but was also functional.

发行国家/地区:法国 France

南锡 斯坦尼斯拉斯广场
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