
该遗产地位于易北河平原,是Střední Polabí地区的一处平坦沙地,内有田野、围栏牧场、森林及建筑物,其设计用途为驯养克拉德鲁伯马(哈布斯堡王室的仪式马车用马的一种)。王室种马场于1579建成并沿用至今,是欧洲最重要的马匹繁育场之一。在马场的发展时期,马匹不仅在运输、农业、军事等领域发挥着巨大的作用,也是贵族身份的象征。

Situated in the Střední Polabí area of the Elbe plain, the site consists of flat, sandy soils and includes fields, fenced pastures, a forested area and buildings, all designed with the main objective of breeding and training kladruber horses, a type of draft horse used in ceremonies by the Habsburg imperial court. An imperial stud farm was established in 1579 and has been dedicated to this task since then. It is one of Europe’s leading horse-breeding institutions, developed at a time when horses played vital roles in transport, agriculture, military support and aristocratic representation.


发行国家/地区:捷克 Czech Republic

2022 捷克 世界遗产 (1MS全)
  • 欧洲和北美洲/捷克/拉贝河畔克拉德鲁比的仪式马车用马繁育与训练景观.txt
  • 最后更改: 2年前
  • 青团00