
这两座巨大的伊特鲁立亚人墓葬反映了公元前9世纪至公元前1世纪不同的墓葬形式,是伊特鲁立亚文化成就的见证。它们在九个多世纪里推动了地中海北部地区最早的城市文明的发展。有些坟墓以岩石刻成,上面是给人深刻印象的墓丘。坟墓的墙壁上有很多质量精美的壁画和岩石雕刻。靠近塞尔维托里的墓地又以公墓见称,包括数千个以类似城市规划的模式安置的墓地,带有街道、小广场和邻近居所。这里有不同类型的墓葬: 岩刻沟渠和坟墓,也有一些石刻的棚屋或房舍形状的墓室,带有许多更加精致的建筑结构。这些是伊特鲁立亚人民居建筑的仅存证明。塔尔奎尼亚墓葬群一般称之为曼特罗契(Monterozzi),包括了6000座岩石刻成的坟墓。其中200座有壁画的墓葬最著名,最早的可以追溯到公元前7世纪。

These two large Etruscan cemeteries reflect different types of burial practices from the 9th to the 1st century BC, and bear witness to the achievements of Etruscan culture. Which over nine centuries developed the earliest urban civilization in the northern Mediterranean. Some of the tombs are monumental, cut in rock and topped by impressive tumuli (burial mounds). Many feature carvings on their walls, others have wall paintings of outstanding quality. The necropolis near Cerveteri, known as Banditaccia, contains thousands of tombs organized in a city-like plan, with streets, small squares and neighbourhoods. The site contains very different types of tombs: trenches cut in rock; tumuli; and some, also carved in rock, in the shape of huts or houses with a wealth of structural details. These provide the only surviving evidence of Etruscan residential architecture. The necropolis of Tarquinia, also known as Monterozzi, contains 6,000 graves cut in the rock. It is famous for its 200 painted tombs, the earliest of which date from the 7th century BC.


- Cerveteri, Etruscan Necropolis of Banditaccia, Province of Rome, Latium, Italy

- Tarquinia, Etruscan Necropolis of Monterozzi, Province of Viterbo, Latium, Italy


发行国家/地区:意大利 Italy

Fanciulla Velca,塔尔奎尼亚 伊特鲁里亚墓室壁画 约公元前5世纪
1998 意大利 普通邮票:艺术作品中的女性形象 (5-1)
Fanciulla Velca,塔尔奎尼亚 伊特鲁里亚墓室壁画 约公元前5世纪
1999 意大利 普通邮票:艺术作品中的女性形象 (5-1)
Fanciulla Velca,塔尔奎尼亚 伊特鲁里亚墓室壁画 约公元前5世纪
2002 意大利 普通邮票:艺术作品中的女性形象 (10-2)
Fanciulla Velca,塔尔奎尼亚 伊特鲁里亚墓室壁画 约公元前5世纪
2004 意大利 普通邮票:艺术作品中的女性形象 (12-2)
拉齐奥大区 背景:切尔韦泰里的伊特鲁里亚墓地
2006 意大利 意大利的行政区 (4-3)


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2007 法国 文物自贴小本票 (10-8)
  • 欧洲和北美洲/意大利/切尔韦泰里和塔尔奎尼亚的伊特鲁里亚坟场群.txt
  • 最后更改: 4年前
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