

The first Benedictine monks settled here in 996. They went on to convert the Hungarians, to found the country's first school and, in 1055, to write the first document in Hungarian. From the time of its founding, this monastic community has promoted culture throughout central Europe. Its 1,000-year history can be seen in the succession of architectural styles of the monastic buildings (the oldest dating from 1224), which still today house a school and the monastic community.


发行国家/地区:匈牙利 Hungary

潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院
潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院
潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院
潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院
潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院
1996 匈牙利 潘诺恩哈尔姆千年修道院建立1000周年 (4+1MS全)
潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院
2004 匈牙利 世界遗产 (2-1)
圣斯蒂芬献上匈牙利的圣王冠 维尔莫斯·阿巴-诺瓦克作 潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院 圆顶壁画
2015 匈牙利 匈牙利圣人和真福III:Saint Astrik (1MS全)


(左下)匈牙利 潘诺恩哈尔姆 千年修道院
1997 梵蒂冈 教皇若望保禄二世的访问足迹 (6-5)
  • 欧洲和北美洲/匈牙利/潘诺恩哈尔姆千年修道院及其自然环境.txt
  • 最后更改: 14月前
  • 青团00