
Kujataa is a sub-arctic farming landscape located in the southern region of Greenland. It bears witness to the cultural histories of the Norse hunters-gatherers who started arriving from Iceland in the 10th century and of the Norse farmers, Inuit hunters and Inuit farming communities that developed from the end of the 18thcentury. Despite their differences, the two cultures, European Norse and Inuit, created a cultural landscape based on farming, grazing and marine mammal hunting The landscape represents the earliest introduction of farming to the Arctic, and the Norse expansion of settlement beyond Europe.


1536-001 Qassiarsuk

1536-002 Igaliku

1536-003 Sissarluttoq

1536-004 Tasikuluulik (Vatnahverfi)

1536-005 Qaqortukulooq (Hvalsey)

发行国家/地区:格陵兰 Greenland

1993 格陵兰 旅游 (2-2)
2018 世界遗产 (1全)
  • 欧洲和北美洲/丹麦/格陵兰岛库加塔-在冰盖边缘的北欧及因纽特文化农业.txt
  • 最后更改: 19月前
  • 青团00