

Sculpture “The Discus Thrower” (Myron)
1996 立陶宛 亚特兰大奥运会
Title page of “Catechism” of Mazvydas
边纸: view on Kenigsberg in XVI c
1997 立陶宛 First Publication Lithuanian Book (1+1MS全)
Elk's-horn staff
Silver coins of Grand Duke Kazimierz
1997 立陶宛 博物馆藏品 (2全)
letter of Grand Duke Gediminas (1323)
1997 立陶宛 邮政的历史 (1全)
Sabre of general S.Zhukauskas, 1927
Protective uniform of Lithuanian warrior, 17世纪
1999 立陶宛 博物馆藏品 (2全)
Sun-dial of Romualdas Martinkus (1989)
Renaissance-style clock case
2000 立陶宛 钟表 (2全)
Neolithic Amber Artefact
2000 立陶宛 千禧年 (1全)
In 1583 year S. Batoras issued Acts regulating the postal activities
2001 立陶宛 邮政的历史 (1全)
Ancient book and seal
2002 立陶宛 150th Anniversary of the State History Archives (1全)
邮票:(左上)古代工具(右上)编年史作家(左下)古代船只(右下)古代手稿 过桥:Barrow on territory of Lithuania
2002 立陶宛 立陶宛建国1000周年 (1MS全)
考纳斯 西鲁恰伊宫
2002 立陶宛 米罗尼斯立陶宛文学博物馆 (2全)
First exposition in the aula hall of Vilnius university,Brass jewellery, worn on a person's temples. I-II c
2005 立陶宛 立陶宛国家博物馆150周年 (2全)
邮票:(左上)The battle of Pabaiskas, 1435(右上)The Valakai reform, 1557(左下)The first Statute of Lithuania, 1529(右下)The Union of Lublin, 1569
2005 立陶宛 立陶宛建国1000周年 (1MS全)
磁盘八音盒,“Le Parvo”相机 副票:维尔纽斯 立陶宛戏剧、音乐和电影博物馆
2006 立陶宛 立陶宛剧院、音乐和电影博物馆 (2全)
“The New Trakai 1600” J. Kamarauskas 1899,Chess pieces, 15th c
2007 立陶宛 特拉凯历史博物馆 (2全)
(左)连衣裙 19世纪(右)木制雕塑,1969年 附票:罗基什基斯庄园
2008 立陶宛 罗基什基斯地区博物馆 (2全)
Amber museum (the estate of Count Feliksas Tyskevichius, built in 1897),“Sun stone” one of the largest pieces of amber in the world 3524 gram
2009 立陶宛 帕兰加琥珀博物馆 (2全)
St. Jurgis. 1852,The fastener. 2-3 c
2010 立陶宛 克雷廷加博物馆75周年 (2全)
Ceramics, Smith’s bellows
2011 立陶宛 Alytus Ethnographic Museum (2全)
Baubliai (hollowed tree) - the first antiquities museum in Lithuania
2012 立陶宛 The Year of Museum (1MS全)
2014 立陶宛 立陶宛的面具 (1全)
Goat horn Ozgaris and woodenbells Skrabala
The reed pipe byrbine and string instrument Kankles
2014 立陶宛 欧罗巴邮票:乐器 (2全)
Jogailos LDK Denaras 1388-1390 m.
3 c, Kazimero LDK denaras, 1440-1492. Lietuvos herbo simbols
10 c, Zygimanto Augusto LDK 3 graiai, 1562. Lietuvos herbo s
Jono Kazimiero LDK silingas 1660 m.
39 c, Augusto III LK ortas, 1754. Lietuvos herbo simbols Vyt
62 c, LR 5 litu moneta, 1925. Lietuvos herbo simbols Vytis m
2015 立陶宛 Lithuanian State Symbol - Vytis (6全)
The forged pruducts
2015 立陶宛 传统工艺品 (1全)
Pillars of Gediminas (15th century)
Pillars of Gediminas (16th century)
Pillars of Gediminas (20th century)
Pillars of Gediminas (19th century)
2018 立陶宛 普通邮票:国家象征 (4全)
2021 立陶宛 考古学家B. M. Alseikaitė-Gimbutienė 100th birth anniversary (1全)
2022 立陶宛 First Book Published in Lithuania, 500th Anniversary (1全)
Bow Brooch - Pašušvys, Kėdainiai District (V-VIII c.)
Bridle Fittings - Veršvai, Kaunas (XI-XII c.)
Horseshoe Brooch - Graužiai, Kėdainiai District (XI-XIII c.)
2024 立陶宛 Artifacts of Baltic Tribes (2024) (3全)
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