

圣威利布罗德 Vita Willibrordi手稿插图
1938 卢森堡 重建埃希特纳赫修道院 (6-4)
圣威利布罗德 12世纪插图
1947 卢森堡 修复埃希特纳赫修道院 (6-6)
St. Willibrord and St. Irmina holding a inscribed Plaque
St. Willibrord holding a Child (after Painting Simon Puseel)
St. Willibrord and the Suppliant (Miracle of the Wine-cask)
1958 卢森堡 1300th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Willibrord, 658-739 (3全)
Great Seal of Luxembourg
1963 卢森堡 卢森堡城建城1000周年 (11-4)
Shaving-dish with Wedding Scene (After Degrotte), 1819
Ornamental Vase, c. 1820
1967 卢森堡 卢森堡彩陶工业200周年 (2全)
Monks in the Scriptorium (c. 1040)
Laborers going to the Vineyard (Mathew 20: 1-6)
Laborers toiling in the Vineyard
Workers with Spides & Hoe searching for Graves of the Saints
1971 卢森堡 埃希特纳赫藏中世纪手稿 (4全)
Wood-carving “Bethlehem Children”
Wood-carving “Shepherds”
Wood-carving “Virgin, Child Jesus and St. Joseph”
Wood-carving “Herdsmen”
Wood-carving “Caspar, One of the Magi”
1971 卢森堡 慈善邮票:Wood-carving from the Crèche of Beaufort Church (5全)
Samian (Earthenware) Bowl, 2nd Century A.D.
Bronze Mask, 1st Century B.C.
Limestone Head, 2nd/3rd Century A.D.
Glass Jug in Shape of Head, 4th Century A.D.
1972 卢森堡 考古文物 (4全)
Bronze Statue “Epona on Horseback”
“Panther attacking Swan”
Celtic Gold Stater inscribed Pottina
Bronze Boar
1973 卢森堡 考古文物 (4全)
Religious Statuette “Joachim and St. Anne”
Religious Statuette “Mary meets Elizabeth”
Religious Statuette “Magus presenting Gift”
Religious Statuette “Shepherds at the Manger”
Religious Statuette “St. Joseph with Candle”
1973 卢森堡 慈善邮票:16世纪 Rerdos,Hachiville Hermitage (5全)
Royal Seal (1311) of Henry VII, King of the Romans
Equestrian Seal (1337) of John the Blind, King of Bohemia
Municpal Seal (14th Century) of the Town of Diekirch
Virgin and Child, Monastery Seal (1295), Marienthal Convent
1974 卢森堡 卢森堡档案馆藏13-14世纪印章 (4全)
Miniature of “Annunciation”
Miniature of “Visitation”
Miniature of “Nativity”
Miniature of “Adoration of the Magi”
Miniature of “Presentation at the Temple”
Detail of the Cover (“Crucifixion”) (ss)
1974 卢森堡 慈善邮票:Codex Aureus Epternacensis手稿 (5+1MS全)
Gold Disc Brooch decorated with Precious Stones (7th cent.)
Footless Glass Mug (5th-6th Century)
Carinated Pot
Tremissis (Franconian Gold Coin, 7th Century)
1976 卢森堡 墨洛溫王朝时期文物 (4全)
Soup Tureen with Lid
Deep Bowl
1976 卢森堡 欧罗巴邮票:手工艺品 (2全)
Roman Mosaics at Diekirch
1977 卢森堡 Vichten的古罗马马赛克画 (1全)
Evangelist “St. Matthew”, Angel
Evangelist “St. Mark”, Lion
Evangelist “St. Luke”, Bull
Evangelist “St. John”, Eagle
1978 卢森堡 慈善邮票:玻璃画 (5全)
Denarius (Silver Coin, c. 44 B.C.) of Galius Julius Caesar
Sestertius (Bronze Coin, c. 141 A.D.) of Empress Faustina 1
Follis (Bronze Coin, c. 324-300 A.D.) of Empress Helena
Solidus (Gold Coin, c. 367-375 A.D.) of Emperor Valens
1979 卢森堡 卢森堡文化:国家博物馆藏古罗马硬币 (4全)
Troisvierges Stage Coach
Old Wall Telephone
1979 卢森堡 欧罗巴邮票:邮政通信 (2全)
1979 卢森堡 慈善邮票:玻璃画 (5全)
“St. Martin” shares his Coat
“St. Nicholas” blesses Three Apples
“Virgin and Child”
“St. George” kills the Dragon
1980 卢森堡 慈善邮票:玻璃画 (4全)
Grosso (Silver Coin, 1312) of Emperor Henry VII (1274-1313)
Grosso (Silver Coin, 1331) of John the Blind (1296-1346)
Mouton d'or (Gold Coin, c. 1360) of Wenceslas I (1337-1383)
Silver coin showing Arms and Crown. (Wenceslas II, (1361-1419).
1980 卢森堡 卢森堡文化:国家博物馆的银币 (4全)
Patagon Silver Coin (1635) of Philip IV of Spain (1605-1665)
12 Sol Silver Coin (1775) of Maria Theresa (1717-1780)
12 Sol Silver Coin (1789) of Emperor Joseph II (1741-1790)
72 Sol Silver Coin (1795) of Emperor Francis II (1768-1835)
1981 卢森堡 卢森堡文化:国家博物馆的银币 (4全)
1981 卢森堡 卢森堡国际银行发行权125周年 (1全)
Robbers attacking Traveller,Drawing from the “Codex Aureus Escorialensis” of traveller being attcked on his way to Jericho (The Good Samaritan)
Good Samaritan helping Traveller,Drawing from the “Codex Aureus Escorialensis” of traveller being attcked on his way to Jericho (The Good Samaritan)
1983 卢森堡 欧罗巴邮票:发明和发现 (2全)
Initial “H” from “Book of Baruch”
Initial “B” from Letter of St. Jerome to Pope Damasius I
1983 卢森堡 Luxembourg Culture: Echternach Abbey Giant Bible (2全)
Ancient binding of the Mansfeld collection, bound in the purest French Renaissance style with his coat of arms surrounded by the chain of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
1985 卢森堡 国家图书馆 (1全)
Jean Bertels (1544-1607), Abbot of Echternach Abbey
Emperor Charles V (1500-1558), Bronze Medal (1537)
King Philip II of Spain (1527-1598), Silver Medal (1555)
Maurice of Oranje-Nassau (1567-1625), Silver Medal (1615)
1985 卢森堡 卢森堡文化:国家博物馆的肖像奖章 (4全)
Count of Monterey, Silver Medal (1675)
Louis XIV of Frans (1638-1715), Silver Medal (1984)
Pierre de Weyms (1610-1650), Pewter Medal (1700)
Duke of Marlborough (1620-1722), Silver Medal (1706)
1986 卢森堡 卢森堡文化:国家博物馆的肖像奖章 (4全)
Angel appearing to the Sheperds
Adoration of the Magi
Flight into Egypt
1986 卢森堡 15世纪的插图 (5全)
Adoration of the Magi
Presentation in the Temple
Flight into Egypt
1987 卢森堡 15世纪的插图 (5全)
Annunciation to Shepherds
Adoration of the Magi
Madonna and Child
1988 卢森堡 16世纪的插图 (4全)
1989 卢森堡 旅游 (2-2)
Old Telephone (top imperforated)
Old Postbox (top imperforated)
1991 卢森堡 历史邮电设备 (2全)
Public Transport Museum, Luxemburg (Tram No. 1)
National Museum of Mining, Rumelange (Iron ore Tipper Wagon)
Museum of Arts & Ancient Crafts, Wiltz (Horse-drawn Carriage
1993 卢森堡 博物馆藏品 (3全)
10th Centeruy B.C. Ceralic Bowl from the Cremation Tomb, Bigelbach.
1994 卢森堡 纪念邮票
Old Butter Chum (Country Art Museum at Vianden)
Wine-press (Wine Museum at Ehnen)
Sculpture of Potter, Leon Nosbusch (Pottery Museum, Nospelt)
1995 卢森堡 博物馆藏品 (3全)
Oak Wall Clock by Dominique Nauens, 1816
Astronomical Clock with Walnt Case by J, Lebrun, 1850
Pear Tree Wood Wall Clock by Mathias Hebeler, 1815
1997 卢森堡 钟表 (3全)
17th century drawing of the tomb of Henri V the Blond (1247-1281) at Clairefontaine Abbey.
1997 卢森堡 750th Anniversary of the Accession of Henri V (1全)
Spanish Morion (Army Helmet), late 16th Century
Wayside Cross from Hollerich, 1718
1998 卢森堡 博物馆藏品 (2全)
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Bech”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Ermes Turf”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Itisch”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Stein Hem”
1998 卢森堡 国家档案馆收藏的城镇景观 (4全)
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Oswiller”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Bettem Burch”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Cruchte auf der
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Berchem”
1999 卢森堡 国家档案馆收藏的城镇景观 (4全)
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Lorentzwiller”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Consturf”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Elfingen”
Drawing by Abbot Jean Bertels (1544-1607): “Sprenckigen”
2000 卢森堡 国家档案馆收藏的城镇景观 (4全)
2007 卢森堡 Vichten的古罗马马赛克画 (1MS全)
卢森堡市 国立历史与艺术博物馆 Wiltheim Wing
Rare silver tea caddy in the Regency style, by Johann Michael Kutzer (1700-1760)
The Helios sculpture designed in 1926 for the Robj Company. It shows the Sun God in Greek mythology steering the sun-chariot into the sky
2015 卢森堡 国立历史与艺术博物馆 (3全)
Slate Museum
Luxembourg Aviation Museum
Rural and Artisanal Museum
Minett Park
The printing Museum
2016 卢森堡 博物馆 (5全)
National Museum of Iron Mines, Rumelange
National Museum of Brewing, Wiltz
Pottery Museum, Nospelt
Al Moschterfabrick Museum, Luxembourg-Pfaffenthal
Duchfabrik, Esch-sur-Sûre
2020 卢森堡 博物馆 (5全)
2023 卢森堡 National Library, 225th Anniversary (1全)
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