

* 俄罗斯的工艺美术系列邮票(2011-)

Snuff box and Tankard
Tray and candlestick
Cream jug, coffee pot and sugar basin
Biscuit dish and Sweet dish
1993 俄罗斯 博物馆藏银器 (5+1MS全)
Ceramic candlestick, Scopino
Painted tray, Zhostovo
Painted box, lid and distaff, Gorodets
Enamel icon, Rostov
Lacquer Miniature, Fedoskino
1993 俄罗斯 传统工艺品 (5全)
Snuff box, 1752
Candlestick, 1750-1760
Sculpture “Water-carrier”, 1818
Sphinx vase, XIX c.
Sculpture “Lady with Mask”, 1910
Dinner Service by Fyodor Solnzev, 1848
1994 俄罗斯 皇家瓷器厂250周年 (5+1MS全)
Easter Egg with Model of Yacht “Shtandart”
Cross Pendant
Easter Egg with Model of Alexander III Monument
1995 俄罗斯 Faberge Exhibits in Moscow (5+1MS全)
Perfume bottles
Coffee pot
Container for scent & Clock-pendent “Ladybird”
Icon “Our Lady of Kazan” & Lampada
1996 俄罗斯 博物馆藏品 (5+1MS全)
1997 俄罗斯 印度独立50周年 (1全)
A round helmet
Gonzaga Cameo
2002 俄罗斯 新埃尔米塔日博物馆150周年 (4+1MS-3,4)
2002 俄罗斯 古董马车 (5全)

The stamps feature Antique coaches of great art and historic value, kept in the Armoury Palace of the Moscow Kremlin. The heavy carriage belonged to boyarin Nikita Ivanovich Romanov, as certified by a 1706 inventory of the Tsar’s Mews. The winter sleigh belonged to Empress Anna Ioannovna (1730-1740) and later to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna (1741-1761). The carriage, which was a gift from Emperor Fredrick II to Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, was used for coronation ceremonies in the 18-19 centuries. The carriage was used by Catherine II, a Russian Empress (1762-1796) for ceremonial purposes. The carriage was made to order of Count Grigory Orlov and presented to Catherine II.

Vase, the 1880s-1890s
熊形器具 金木质 公元前4世纪
Vase, 1900-1908
Ladle, the 1910s
2004 俄罗斯 俄罗斯银器 (4全)
牛来通杯 银质 公元前5世纪
Milk Jug, the 1900s
骆驼支架 金质 公元前4-5世纪
鹿 金质 公元前4世纪
2005 俄罗斯 萨尔马提亚人Sarmat珍宝 (4全)


Throne of Ivan the Terrible
Orb of Tsar Michael Fyodorovich
Jericho Cap of Tsar Michael Fyodorovich
State Sword and Shield, 17-18世纪
邮票:Cap of Monomakh
2006 俄罗斯 莫斯科克林姆林宫博物馆200周年 (4+1MS全)
2008 俄罗斯 考古遗产 (1MS全)
2008 俄罗斯 达吉斯坦的装饰艺术 (4全)
2010 俄罗斯 科学和技术的纪念碑:手表 (4全)

Continuation of the series “Monuments of Science and Technology” is devoted to Russian pocket and wrist watches. Souvenir sheet of 4 stamps depicts the wooden pocket watch of M.S. Bronnikov, wrist watches “Victory” and “Sturmanskie”, watch “Gloria”.

2010 俄罗斯 机械师Ivan Kulibin诞生275周年 邮资信封 EWCS198 (1全)
2010 俄罗斯 国家银行成立150周年 (4全)

1. Sample of coin of 1855 year, issued in 1860 year. 2. Ruble coin of 1895 year. 3. Half ruble coin of 1924 year. 4. St. George the Victorious, 2006.

2014 俄罗斯 俄罗斯印刷450周年 (1全)
Diamond Orlov
Brooch with emerald
Pendant with a raspberry-pink tourmaline
2017 俄罗斯 俄罗斯珍宝:钻石基金会 (4全)
Korchik. Firm “Faberge”
The salt cellar. Firm “Khlebnikov”
Sugar bowl. Firm “Ovchinnikov”
Troika. Firm “Sazikov”
2018 俄罗斯 俄罗斯珍宝:珠宝 (4全)
2018 俄罗斯 国家东方艺术博物馆100周年 邮资明信片 PCWCS324 (1全)
2019 俄罗斯 Alexandrovskaya Sloboda博物馆100周年 (1全)
Yilgun-Depe 女性雕像,公元前4世纪
Nizhny Amur 鱼形雕像,公元前2世纪
Zaraisk 野牛雕像,公元前20000年
Novaya Zalavruga 白海发现的岩刻,公元前4世纪
2019 俄罗斯 考古协会成立周年纪念 (4全)
Anna Leopoldovna的哨子
2019 俄罗斯 俄罗斯皇家珍宝 (4全)
Grand Bouquet
Bracelet with a portrait diamond
Spinel of the Great Imperial Crown
2020 俄罗斯 俄罗斯国家贵金属和宝石贮备库Gokhran成立100周年邮票 (4全)
2020 俄罗斯 俄罗斯瓷器生产创始人德米特里·伊万诺维奇·维诺格拉多夫诞辰300周年 邮资信封 EWCS352 (1全)
2021 俄罗斯 珠宝匠彼得·卡尔·法贝热诞生175周年 邮资信封 EWCS356 (1全)
Porcelain Bowl with Cover, 2020
Porcelain Horse and Carriage, 1980
Porcelain Tea Drinkers, 1966
Porcelain Artwork, 1792
2022 俄罗斯 Gzhel Ceramics (4全)
2022 俄罗斯 工艺博物馆成立150周年 (1MS全)

museum's exhibits: desktop clock World Clock Pointer, a Talking Paper device, a Russia motorcycle, a vertical Golitsyn seismograph, a Convas-1 film camera, a plasma camera, and a Russo-Balt K12/20 car.

Mayan hieroglyphic codices
2022 俄罗斯 100th Birth Anniversary of Yu. Knorozov (1922-1999), scientist, historian, ethnographer, founder of the Soviet school of Maya studies (1全)
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