

Winged Cherub with Situla
Winged bull, decor from the robe of King Assurnasirpal II
Arch Hall of Ktesiphon (now Taq-i-Kisra)
阿淑尔纳西尔帕二世浮雕的装饰:棕榈叶扇Palm-leaf fan, decor of the robe of Ashurnasirpal II
1923-25 普通邮票 (13-3,4,5,9)
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the Royal Nebuchadnezzar II, 6
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the Royal Nebuchadnezzar II, 6
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the Royal Nebuchadnezzar II, 6
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the Royal Nebuchadnezzar II, 6
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the Royal Nebuchadnezzar II, 6
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the Royal Nebuchadnezzar II, 6
Samarra: Spiral Minaret of the Great Mosque, built about 850
Samarra: Spiral Minaret of the Great Mosque, built about 850
Mosque of the Golden Dome in Samarra
Mosque of the Golden Dome in Samarra
Octagonal tower of the grave Setta Zubayda in Baghdad, 12世纪
Octagonal tower of the grave Setta Zubayda in Baghdad, 12世纪
1941-47 普通邮票
Spiral tower, Samarra
Lyre with bull's head from Ur, around 2500 BC, Sumerian
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the palace of Nebukadnezar II
Lyre with bull's head from Ur, around 2500 BC, Sumerian
Islamic school of the Abasid time (750-1258)
Mosque of Kadhimain
Islamic school of the Abasid time (750-1258)
Lion of Babylon, basalt, from the palace of Nebukadnezar II
Dur Scharukin, winged bull with manhead and genius
Mosque of Kadhimain
Spiral tower, Samarra
Dur Scharukin, winged bull with manhead and genius
1963 普通邮票
New Iraq Museum, statue of Mesopotamia, islamic window
Bronze head of an Akkadian king of Nineveh (around 2300 BC)
Female headdress (Gold) out of Ur (around 2650 BC), Sumerian
1966 伊拉克博物馆 (3全)
乌尔古城Ur: Zikkurat of Urnammu (king of Sumer and Akkad)
Nimrud (Calah and also Kalchu): Goalkeepers Sculptures (Lama
Babylon: Ischtar gate with snakegriffin and bull decoration
Mosul: Minaret of the mosque of the Nur ed-din
Ktesiphon (today Taq-i Kisra): Palace of Shapur I
Hatra, arab. El HADR: Statue of the ancient Parthian Palace
Samarra: spiral Minaret of the great mosque
Adams tree
Khadimain (also Qazimain) in Baghdad; Shia shrine with golde
1967 国际旅游年 (10-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10)
Emblem of the IFBB
Ancient archer with horse
1972 旅游 (2全)
Lyre with Bull's Head from Ur, 2500 BC
Lyre with Bull's Head from Ur, 2500 BC
Lyre with Bull's Head from Ur, 2500 BC
Minaret, Mosul
Minaret, Mosul
Minaret, Mosul
1973 考古发现 (9全)
1976 考古发现 (9全)
1978 古代钱币 (5全)
1988 旅游 (3全)
View of Erbil, dancing women
Golden Mosque of Karbala with entrance
Nassiriya (ur); Ziggurat, fishing man with boat
1989 旅游 (3全)
Ishtar gate (Babylon), Zikkurat (Borseba)
Ishtar gate (Babylon), Zikkurat (Borseba)
Tower of Babel, Zikkurat (Borseba)
1999 国际考古会议 (2+1MS全)
Cuneiform text, statuette
Variants of individual characters, Sumerians
Cuneiform text, statuette
Variants of individual characters, Sumerians
Figure; inscription ' Dub -Sar Dudu ' in cuneiform, Latin an
Figure; inscription ' Dub -Sar Dudu ' in cuneiform, Latin an
2001 美索不达米亚文字5000年 (3全)
Sumerian jewelry
Golden bull head
Winged lion with a human head
Relief of glazed tiles, Babylon
2006 文物 (3+1MS全)
Ishtar Gate of Babylon (公元前6世纪)及其他
Ishtar Gate of Babylon (公元前6世纪)及其他
Ishtar Gate of Babylon (公元前6世纪)及其他
2009 追回被盗文物运动 (3全)
2010 石油输出国组织50周年 (2全)
巴比伦 Babylon
哈特拉 Hatra
乌尔古城 Zikkurat of Ur
Minaret of Samarra
2011 考古 (4+1MS全)
2013 伊拉克的地标 (7+1MS-MS)
2014 大选 (3-1)
2015 毁坏的文物 (2+1MS全)
Invalid Link
(右)伊什塔尔城门Ishtar Gate of Babylon
2017 与西班牙建交70周年 (1全)
Invalid Link
Invalid Link
巴比伦的伊什塔尔城门Ishtar Gate of Babylon
2019 与中国建交60周年 (4-1,3)

left|世界遗产标志 萨迈拉古城(Samarra Archaeological City)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:萨迈拉古城

left|世界遗产标志 亚述古城(Ashur (Qal'at Sherqat))为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:亚述古城

left|世界遗产标志 哈特拉(Hatra)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:哈特拉

left|世界遗产标志 伊拉克南部的阿瓦尔-生物多样性保护区及美索不达米亚遗迹景观(The Ahwar of Southern Iraq: Refuge of Biodiversity and the Relict Landscape of the Mesopotamian Cities)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:伊拉克南部的阿瓦尔-生物多样性保护区及美索不达米亚遗迹景观

left|世界遗产标志 巴比伦(Babylon)为世界遗产,参见世界遗产:巴比伦

  • 文物/亚洲/伊拉克.txt
  • 最后更改: 5年前
  • 青团00