

1965 英国 不列颠空战25周年 (8全)
BE2B and Vickers Gun Bus
Sopwith Camel and Vickers Vimy
Hawker Fury and Handley Page Heyford
Hurricane and Wellington
Spitfire and Lancaster
Lightning and Vulcan
1979 英国 Military Aircraft (6全)
Henry VIII and Mary Rose
Admiral Blake and Triumph
Lord Nelson and HMS Victory
Lord Fisher and HMS Dreadnought
Viscount Cunningham and HMS Warspite
1982 英国 Maritime Heritage (5全)
Lord Dowding and Hawker Hurricane Mk. I,
Lord Tedder and Hawker Typhoon 1B
Lord trenchard and De havilland D.H. 9A
Sir Arthur Harris and Avro Type 683 Lancaster
Lord Portal and De havilland D.H. 98 Mosquito
1986 英国 The Royal Air Force (5全)
1987 泽西岛 征服者威廉 (6全)
Crystal Palace, 'Monarch of the Glen' (Landseer) and Grace Darling
Great Eastern, Beetons Book of Household Management and Prince Albert
Albert Memorial, Ballot Box and Disraeli
Diamond Jubilee Emblem, Morse Key and Newspaper Placard for Relief of Mafeking
1987 英国 Victorian Britain (4全)
1987 英国 航空邮筒:苏格兰玛丽女王 (1全)
Spanish Galeasse off The Lizard
English Fleet leaving Plymouth
Engagement off Isle of Wight
Attack of English Fire-ships, Calais
Armada in Storm, North Sea
1988 英国 The Armada 1588 (5全)
Standard Bearer
1992 英国 The Civil War 1642-51 (4全)
1993 英国 航空邮筒:苏格兰的圣玛格丽特女王逝世900周年 (1全)
Groundcrew replacing Smoke Cannisters on Douglas Boston of 88 Sqn
H.M.S. Warspite (Battleship) shelling Enemy Positions
Commandos landing on Gold Beach
Infantry regrouping on Sword Beach
Tank and Infantry advancing, Ouistreham
1994 英国 50th Anniversary of D-Day (5全)
King Henry VIII
Catherine of Aragon
Anne Boleyn
Jane Seymour
Anne of Cleves
Catherine Howard
Catherine Parr
1997 英国 The Great Tudor (7全)
Greenwich Meridian and Clock (John Harrison's chronometer)
Industrial Worker and Blast Furnace (James Watt's discovery of steam power)
Early Photos of Leaves (Henry Fox-Talbot's photographic experiments)
Computer inside Human Head (Alan Turing's work on computers)
1999 英国 千禧年 发明家的故事 (4全)
Airliner hugging Globe (International air travel)
Woman on Bicycle (Development of the bicycle)
Victorian Railway Station (Growth of public transport)
Captain Cook and Maori (Captain Cook's voyages)
1999 英国 千禧年 旅行家的故事 (4全)
Vaccinating Child (pattern in cows markings) (Jenner's development of smallpox vaccine)
Patient on Trolley (nursing care)
Penicillin Mould (Fleming's discovery of penicillin)
Sculpture of Test-tube Baby (development of in vitro fertilization)
1999 英国 千禧年 病人的故事 (4全)
Dove and Norman settler (medieval migration to Scotland)
Pilgrim Fathers and Red Indian (17th century migration to America)
Sailing Ship and Aspects of Settlement (19th-century migration to Australia)
Hummingbird and Superimposed Stylised Face (20th-century migration to Great Britain)
1999 英国 千禧年 移民者的故事 (4全)
Woven Threads (woolen industry)
Salts Mill, Salthire (worsted cloth industry)
Hull on Slipway (shipbuilding)
1999 英国 千禧年 工人的故事 (4全)
Freddie Mercury (lead singer of Queen) ('Popular Music')
Bobby Moore with World Cup ('Sport')
Dalek from Dr Who (science-fiction series) ('Television')
Charlie Chaplin (film star) ('Cinema')
1999 英国 千禧年 演员的故事 (4全)
Suffragette behind Prison Window ('Equal Rights for Women')
Water Tap ('Right to Health')
Generations of School Children ('Right to Education')
'MAGNA CARTA' (Human Rights)
1999 英国 千禧年 市民的故事 (4全)
Molecular Structures ('DNA decoding')
Galapagos Finch and Fossilzed Skeleton ('Darwin's theory of evolution')
Rotation of Polarized Light by Magnetism (Faraday's work on electricity)
Saturn (development of astronomical telescopes)
1999 英国 千禧年 Scientists Tale (4全)
Upland Landscape (Strip Farming)
Horse-drawn Rotary Seed Drill (Mechanical farming)
Man peeling Potato (Food Imports)
Aerial View of Combine Harvester (Satellite agriculture)
1999 英国 千禧年 农民的故事 (4全)
Robert the Bruce (Battle of Bannockburn, 1314)
Cavalier and Horse (English Civil War)
War Graves Cemetery, The Somme (World Wars)
Soldiers with Boy (Peace-keeping)
1999 英国 千禧年 士兵的故事 (4全)
'Hark the herald angels sing', and Hymnbook (John Wesley)
King James I and Bible (Authorised Version of Bible)
Nativity ('First Christmas')
1999 英国 千禧年 基督教徒的故事 (4全)
World of the Stage (Allen Jones)
World of Music (Bridget Riley)
World of Literature (Lisa Milroy)
New Worlds (Sir Howard Hodgkin)
1999 英国 千禧年 艺术家的故事 (4全)
Millennium Series. 'Millennium Timekeeper'
1999 英国 千禧年 'Millennium Timekeeper' (1MS全)
仓鸮 (World Owl Trust, Muncaster)
Night Sky (National Space Science Centre, Leicester)
River Goyt and Textile Mills (Torrs Walkway, New Mills)
Cape Gannets (Seabird Centre, North Berwick)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第1组 上空和前方 (4全)
Milennium Beacon (Beacons across the Land)
Garratt Steam Locomotive No. 143 pulling Train (Eheilffordd Eyri, Welsh Highland Railway)
Lighting (Dynamic Earth Centre, Edinburgh)
Multicoloured Lights (Lighting Croydon's Skyline)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第2组 火和光 (4全)
Beach Pebbles (Turning the Tide, Durham Coast)
Frog's Legs and Water Lilies (National Pondlife Centre, Merseyside)
Cliff Boardwalk (Parc Arfodirol, Llanelli Coast)
Reflections in Water (Portsmouth Harbour Development)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第3组 水和海岸 (4全)
Reed Beds, River Braid (ECOS, Ballymena)
South-American Leaf-cutter Ants (Web of Life Exhibition, London Zoo)
Solar Sensors (Earth Centre, Doncaster)
Hydroponic Leaves (Project SUZY, Teeside),
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第4组 'Life and Earth' (4全)
Pottery Glaze (Ceramica Museum, Stoke-on-Trent)
伦敦 泰特现代艺术馆 泰晤士河畔发电站馆
Road marking (Cycle Network Artworks)
People of Salford (Lowry Centre, Salford)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第5组 艺术与工艺 (4全)
Children playing (Millennium Greens Project)
Daisies (Mile End Park, London)
African Hut and Thatched Cottage (On the Meridian Line Project)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第6组 人与土地 (4全)
Raising the Stone (Strangford Stone, Kilyleagh)
Horses Hooves (Trans Penine Trail, Derbyshire)
Cyclist (Kingdom of Fife Cycle Ways, Scotland)
Bluebell Wood (Groundwork's 'Changing Places' Project)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第7组 'Stone and Soil' (4全)
Tree Roots ('Yews for the Milennium Project')
Sunflower ('Eden Project, St. Austell)
Sycamore Seeds (Milennium Seed Bank, Wakehurst Place, Surrey)
Forest, Doire Dach ('Forest for Scotland')
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第8组 'Tree and Leaf' (4全)
Head of Gigantios descructor (Ant) (Wildscreen at Bristol)
Gathering Water Lilies on Broads (Norfolk and Norwich Project)
X-ray of Hand holding Computer Mouse (Milennium Point, Birmingham)
Tartan Wool Holder (Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network), 6
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第9组 'Mind and Matter' (4全)
Acrobatic Performers (Milennium Dome)
Football Players (Hampden Park, Glasgow)
Bather (Bath Spa Project)
Hen's Egg under Magnification (Centre for Life, Newcastle)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第10组 'Body and Bone' (4全)
圣埃德蒙兹贝里座堂 彩色玻璃镶嵌画 (Suffolk Cathedral Milennium Project)
奥弗斯托威的圣彼得和圣保罗教堂 (Church Floodlighting Trust)
12th-century Latin Gradual (St. Patrick Centre, Downpatrick)
约克座堂 礼拜堂天顶 (York Milennium Mystery Plays)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第11组 精神和信仰 (4全)
Church Bells (Ringing in the Millennium)
Eye (Year of the Artist)
Top of Harp (Canolfan Mileniwm, Cardiff)
Figure within Latticework (TS2K Creative Enterprise Centres, London)
2000 英国 千禧年项目 第12组 'Sound and Vision' (4全)
'Flower' - Nurture Children
'Tiger' - Listen to Children
'Owl' - Teach Children
'Butterfly' - Ensure Children's Freedom
2001 英国 千禧年 对未来的希望 (4全)
Pte. McNamara, 5th Dragoon Guards, Heavy Brigade Charge, Battle of Balaklava
Piper Muir, 42nd Regt of Foot, Amphibious Assault on Kerch
Sgt. Maj. Edwards, Scots Fusilier Guards, Gallant Action, Battle of Inkerman
Sgt. Powell, 1st Regt of Foot Guards, Battles of Alma and Inkerman
Sgt. Maj. Poole, Royal Sappers and Miners, Defensive Line, Battle of Inkerman
Sgt. Glasgow, Royal Artillery, Gun Battery besieged Savastepol
2004 英国 The Crimean War (6全)
Entrepreante with dismasted British Belle Isle
Nelson wounded on Deck of HMS Victory
British Cutter Entrepeante attempting to rescue Crew of burning French Achille
Cutter and HMS Pickle (schooner)
British Fleet attacking in Two Columns
Franco/Spanish Fleet putting to Sea from Cadiz
2005 英国 Trafalgar (6全)
Henry IV (1399-1413)
Henry V (1413-22)
Henry VI (1422-61 & 1470-71)
Edward IV (1461-70 & 1471-83)
Edward V (1483)
Richard III (1483-85)
Owain Glyn Dwr, Parliament 1404, Battle of Agincourt, 1415 Henry V's Triumph, Battle of Tewkesbury, 1471 Yorkist Victory, William Caxton, 1477 First English Printer
2008 英国 The Houses of Lancaster and York (6+1MS全)
Henry VII (1457-1509)
Henry VIII (1509-1547)
Edward VI (1547-1553)
Lady Jane Grey (1553)
Mary (1553-1558)
Elizabeth I (1558-1603)
Mary Rose, Field of Cloth of Gold, Royal Exchange, Francis Drake
2009 英国 The House of Tudor (6+1MS全)
Land Girls
Home Guard
Air Raid Wardens
Women in Factories
Royal Broadcast
Fire Service
Dunkirk - Evacuation of British Soldiers, Operation Little Ships, Rescued British Soldiers, Boats from Evacuation
2010 英国 Britain Alone (8+1MS全)
James I (1406-1437)
James II (1437-1460)
James III (1460-1488)
James IV (1488-1513)
James V (1513-1542)
Mary (1542-1567)
James VI (1567-1625)
St Andrews - 1413 University Founded, College of Surgeons - 1505 Edinburgh, Court of Session - 1532 Scottish Justice, John Knox - 1559 Reformation
2010 英国 The House of Stewart (7+1MS全)
James I
Charles I
Charles II
James II
William III
Mary II
William Harvey, The Battle of Naseby, John Milton, 左四邮票:霍华德城堡
2010 英国 斯图亚特王朝 (7+1MS全)
George I (1714 - 1727)
George II (1727 - 1760)
George III (1760 - 1820)
George IV (1820 - 1830)
William IV (1830 - 1837)
Victoria (1837 - 1901)
Robert Walpole – 1721 First Prime Minister, Robert Adam – 左二邮票:凯德尔斯顿会堂 左三邮票:黑便士邮票 – 1840 Uniform Postage, Queen Victoria 1897 Diamond Jubilee
2011 英国 汉诺威王朝 (6+1MS全)
Edward VII (1901 - 1910)
George V (1910-1936)
Edward VIII (1936)
George VI (1936-1952)
Elizabeth II (1952 to date)
Scott Expedition 1912, Second World War 1929-1945, Football Champions 1966, Channel Tunnel 1994
2012 英国 House of Windsor (5+1MS全)
Pilots scramble to their Hurricanes, Supermarine Spitfires on patrol, Armourer replaces ammunition boxes, Spotters of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, Operations Room at Bentley Priory, Pilots of 32 Squadron await orders
2015 英国 Battle of Britain (6全)
Waterloo - The defence of Hougoumont
Waterloo - The Scots Greys during the charge of the Union Brigade
Waterloo - The French cavalry's assault on Allied defensive squares
Waterloo - The defence of La Haye Sainte by the King's German Legion
Waterloo - The capture of Plancenoit by the Prussians
Waterloo - The French Imperial Guard's final assault
92nd Gordon Highlanders, Light Infantry, King’s German Legion, Prussian Infantryman, French Imperial Guard Grenadier
2015 英国 The Battle of Waterloo (6+1MS全)
War Poetry
War Art
2014 英国 第一次世界大战 - 1914 (6全)
War Art
2015 英国 第一次世界大战 - 1915 (6全)
Battlefield Poppy, Giles Revell
'To My Brother', Vera Brittain
Munitions Worker Lottie Meade,
Travoys Arriving with Wounded, Stanley Spencer
Captain AC Green's Battle of Jutland Commemorative Medal
The Post Office at War
2016 英国 第一次世界大战 - 1916 (6+1MS全)
Shattered Poppy, John Ross
Dead Mans Dump, Isaac Rosenberg
Nurses Elsie Knocker and Mairi Chisholm
Dry Docked for Scaling and Painting, Edward Wadsworth
Private Lemuel Thomas Rees's Life-saving Bible
2017 英国 第一次世界大战 - 1917 (6全)
100 Poppies, Z and B Baran
Anthem for Doomed Youth, W Owen
Second Lieutenant Walter Tull
We Are making A New World, P Nash
The Grave of the Unknown Warrior, Westminster Abbey, London
Lieutenant Francis Hopgood's goggles
2018 英国 The First World War - 1918 (6全)
Sir Joseph Banks
Chief Mourner of Tahiti
Captain James Cook
Drawings of the observations of the transit of Venus, 1769
Clianthus puniceus (Scarlet Clianthus)
Volantinia jacarina (Blue-Black Grassquit)
Charting a new course: New Zealand and Australia, Life on Raiatea: boathouse and canoes, Mapping New Zealand: a Maori clifftop fort, Disaster avoided: repairs on the Endeavour River
2018 英国 库克船长和奋进号 (6+1MS全)
Men of No. 4 Commando, 1st
HMS Warspite
Paratroopers of the British 6th Airborne Division
Commandos of HQ 4th Special Service Brigade
An American A-20 Havoc light bomber
Troops from the East Yorkshire Regiment
2019 英国 D-Day (6+1MS全)
Portrait of Queen Victoria
Victoria and Prime Minister Benjamin Disreali
Queen Victoria and John Brown
Victoria wearing Robes of State
Marriage of Queen Victoria and Albert
Queen Victoria as a young girl
2019 英国 维多利亚女王诞生200周年 (6+1MS全)
Bessemer Process, 1856
Watts Rotative Steam Engine, c.1780
Penydarren Locomotive, 1804
Spinning Jenny, 1764
德比 隆贝丝绸磨坊 约1721年
Portland Cement, 1824
(左上)Faraday Generates Electricity, 1831(右上)Transatlantic Cable, 1858(左下)Deptford Power Station, 1889(右下)Light Bulb, 1880
2021 英国 工业革命 (6+1MS全)
Battle of Bosworth
Battle of Tewkesbury
Battle of Barnet
Battle of Edgecote Moor
Battle of Towton
Battle of Wakefield
Battle of Northampton
First Battle of St Albans
2021 英国 The Wars of the Roses (8全)
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