

1964 美国 Battle of the Wilderness, 1864 (1全)
1998 美国 100th Anniversary of the Klondike Gold Rush (1全)
Model T Ford
Theodore Roosevelt
'The Great Train Robbery'
Crayola Crayons 1903
1904 St. Louis World's Fair
Pure Food and Drugs Act
Kitty Hawk 1903
Ash Can Painters
Immigrants Arrive
环保运动领袖约翰·缪尔 约塞米蒂国家公园 山谷
Teddy Bear Created
W.E.B. Du Bois
Gibson Girl
First World Series
芝加哥 弗雷德里克·C·罗比之家
1998 美国 庆祝新世纪:1900年代 (15全)
Charlie Chaplin's Little Tr
Federal Reserve System 1913
George Washington Carver
Armory Show 1913
Trans Continental Phone Lin
Panama Canal
Jim Thorpe
US Enters WWI
Boy and Girl Scouting Begin
Woodrow Wilson
First Crossword Puzzle
Jack Dempsey
Construction Toys
Child Labor reform
1998 美国 庆祝新世纪:1910年代 (15全)
Babe Ruth
The Gatsby Style
Prohibition Enforced
Electric Toy Trains
19th Amendment
Emily Post's Etiquette
Margaret Mead
Flappers do the Charleston
Radio Entertains America
Art Deco Style - Chrysler Building
Jazz Flourishes
Four Horsemen of Notre Dame
Lindbergh Flies the Atlanti
American Realism
Stock Market Crash of 1929
1998 美国 庆祝新世纪:1920年代 (15全)
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Empire State Building
Life Magazine
Eleanor Roosevelt
FDR's New Deal
Superman Arrives
Household Conveniences
Snow White
Gone With The Wind
Jessie Owens
Streamline Design
Golden Gate Bridge
America Survives
Bobby Jones
Monopoly Game
1998 美国 庆祝新世纪:1930年代 (15全)
World War II
Antibiotics save lives
Jackie Robinson
Harry Truman
Women support war effort
TV entertains America
Jitterbug sweeps nation
Jackson Pollock
G.I. Bill 1944
The Big Band Sound
International Style of Arch
Postwar Baby Boom
Slinky Craze begins 1945
Broadway Hit 1947
Orson Welles
1999 美国 庆祝新世纪:1940年代 (15全)
Polio Vaccine development
Teen Fashions
The Shot Heard 'Round the W
U.S. launches Satellites
Korean War
Desegregating Public School
Tail Fins and Chrome
Dr. Suess' The Cat in the H
Drive In Movies
World Series Rivals
Rocky Marciano, Undefeated
I Love Lucy
Rock 'n' Roll
Stock Car Racing
3-D Movies
1999 美国 庆祝新世纪:1950年代 (15全)
Martin Luther King
Man Walks On Moon
Green Bay Packers
Star Trek
Peace Corps
Vietnam War
Ford Mustang
Barbie Doll
Integrated Circuit
Super Bowl I
Peace symbol
Roger Maris
The Beatles' Yellow Submari
1999 美国 庆祝新世纪:1960年代 (15全)
Earth Day Celebrated
All In The Family
Sesame Street
Disco Music
Pittsburgh Steelers
US Celebrates 200th birthda
VCRs transform Entertainment
Pioneer 10
Women's Rights Movement
70's Fashions
Monday Night Football
Smiley Face
Jumbo Jets
Medical Imaging
1999 美国 庆祝新世纪:1970年代 (15全)
Space Shuttle Program
“Cats” Broadway Show
San Francisco 49ers
American Hostages Freed
Figure Skating
Cable TV
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Compact Discs
Cabbage Patch Kids
The Cosby Show
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Video Games
ET The Extra-Terrestrial Movie
Personal Computers
Hip-Hop Culture
2000 美国 庆祝新世纪:1980年代 (15全)
New Baseball Records
Gulf War
Sitcom Sensation: Seinfeld
Extreme Sports
Improving Education
Computer Art and Graphics
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)
Return to Space
Special Olympics
Virtual Reality
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Sport Utility Vehicles
World Wide Web
Cell Phones
2000 美国 庆祝新世纪:1990年代 (15全)
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