

1995 俄罗斯 俄罗斯的历史 (5全)

The picture of Yuriy Dolgorukiy (1090-1157) - the prince of Suzdal (since 1125), and the great prince of Kiev (1149-1151, and since 1155) – the founder of Moscow and the towns of the Rostovo-Suzdal princedom. Moscow is for the first time referred to in the chronicle in 1147. The stamp features the arrival of Yu. Dolgorukiy to his father, the great prince of Kiev Vladimir II Monomakh (1053-1125), the Golden Gate in Kiev (the 11th c), St Sophia cathedral (the 11th c), and the beginning of the construction of Moscow.

The picture of Alexander Nevskiy (1220-1263), the Russian statesman and captain, the prince of Novgorod (1236-1251), the great prince of Vladimir (since 1252). Alexander Nevskiy deloused the west borders of Russia by the victories over Swedes (the Nevskaya battle of 1240) and German knights (The Ice battle of 1242). He was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. The stamp features the victory of A. Nevskiy in the ice battle on Chudskoye Lake and his government activities in Vladimir.

The picture of Michael Yaroslavich (1271-1318), the prince of Tver (since 1285) and the great prince of Vladimir (1305-1317). In the battle near Bortenevo (1317) for the first time he fought down the Tatar-Mongol host. He died in the Golden Horde. The stamp features the ancient Tver Kremlin and Michael Yaroslavich in the Golden Horde the moment before his death.

The picture of Dmitriy Donskoy (1350-1389), the great prince of Moscow (since 1359) and Vladimir (since 1362). He built the white stone Kremlin in Moscow. D. Donskoy was the leader of the Russian people’s struggle against Tatar-Mongols. Moscow upheld its headship in Russia. The stamp features the white walls and towers of the Moscow Kremlin and the victory of Russian troops in the Kulikovskaya battle in 1380.

The picture of Ivan III Vasilyevich (1440-1505), the great prince of Moscow (since 1462), a statesman and captain. The Russian State was formed, its international authority grew stronger, the great construction started in Moscow. The stamp features the marriage of Ivan III and Sophia Paleolog, the niece of a Byzantine emperor, and “The Ugra Battle” - the hostilities between the troops of Ivan III and Tatar-Mongols, which put a stop to the yoke.

1996 俄罗斯 俄罗斯的历史 (4全)

The portrait of Vassily III (1479-1533), the Great Prince of Moscow (from 1505), the son of Ivan III (after an engraving by T.Schtimmer, 1575). Vassily III finished to unite Russian lands around Moscow, added Pskov and Ryazan to the Moscow dominion. As a result of his wars with Lithuania, Moscow regained control of Smolensk. The left part of the stamp features the removal of the assembly bell (the symbol of the city's independence) in Pskov (1510) as well as samples of Russian arms of Vassily's reign. The right part of the stamp features the siege of Smolensk by Russian troops (1514), which resulted in return of Smolensk under Moscow's rule, as well as the tower of the Moscow cannon workshop (16c) where cannons for the Russian army were produced.

The portrait of Ivan IV The Terrible (1530-1584), after a statue by M.M.Gerasimov, a distinguished anthropologist and archaeologist (end of the 1940s). Ivan IV was the first Russian Tsar (from 1547). During his reign the Russian centralized state was much strengthened. He annexed the Kazan and the Astrakhan khanats, and introduced Oprichnina to strengthen the autocracy. The left part of the stamp features Ivan's coronation in the Dormition Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (1547), as well as the samples of Russian arms of his era. The right part of the stamp features mass executions during Oprichnina (1570), and the towers of the Moscow Printing Yard (16c) where the first Russian book “Apostle” was printed by Ivan Fedorov in 1564.

The portrait of Fedor Ioannovich (1557-1598), a Russian tsar (from 1584), a son of Ivan IV (after a portrait dating back to the end of 16 c). Fedor Ioannovich was not much involved in the affairs of the state. The actual ruler of Russia was Boris Godunov, who facilitated strengthening of the central power and finally annexed the Siberian khanat. The left part of the stamp features Fedor Ioannovich receiving gifts from the nobles of the annexed Siberian khanat and the Cossaks, as well as the samples of the arms of his era. The right part of the stamp features the election of Iov, the first Russian Patriarch (1589), which started the patriarchy in Russia, as well as samples of patriarch's gown.

The portrait of Boris Godunov (1551-1605), after a painting by unknown artist of the 17c. Boris Godunov was the actual ruler of Russia under tsar Fedor Ioannovich. A Russian tsar from 1598. Godunov conveyed a successful foreign policy, strengthened the southern borders of Russia, established towns in Siberia. The left part of the stamp features Patriarch Iov, the clergy and the people offering Boris Godunov to rule Russia (1598, the Novodevichy Convent), as well as the samples of the Russian arms of the period. The right part of the stamp features distribution of corn and produce to the people during the famine of 1601-1603, and the Monomach's hat, the sceptre, and the orb, the symbols of Russian autocracy.

2003 俄罗斯 俄罗斯的历史 (4全)

Yaroslav the Wise (978-1054), the Great Prince of Kiev, a great politician and a son of the prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. By some victories he managed to delouse the southern and western borders of Russia. Organized diplomatic ties with a lot of European countries. During this period Greek books were being translated into Russian, written language was spread and the oldest part of “Russian Pravda” (abridgement of law in Ancient Russia) apeared, the so-called “Yaroslav's Pravda”.The stamp features the foundation of Yaroslavl and the illustration of strengthening of dynastic and international ties.

Vladimir Monomach (1053-1125), the son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich, the Great Prince of Kiev, Chernigov and Pereyaslavl. he struggled for the recovery of the unity of Russia. Vladimir Monomach was famous for his work “The Admonition”, placed into “The Tale of Bygone Years” (“Povest Vremmenykh Let”). He also developed a statute limiting money-lenders' outrage. The stamp features the Prince entering Kiev for reign and delivery “The Admonition” to the children.

Daniel of Moscow (1261-1303), the son of Alexander Nevsky, the First Prince of Moscow. In 1302 after his nephew Ivan Dmitiyevich's death he began to govern in Pereyaslavl. He was the founder of the Moscow princes dynasty. The new territories he had attained caused the doubling in the population of his princedom and turned to be one of the factors of Moscow rising. He founded St Daniel monastery and the first archimandrite's diocese. Daniel of Moscow was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church. The stamp features prince Daniel marching off with his army and the founding of St. Daniel’s monastery.

Ivan the Red (1326-1359), son of Ivan I Kalita, the Great Prince of Moscow and Vladimir. In 1340-1353 the Prince of Zvenigorod and Ruza. He continued the unification of lands round Moscow. It is said in the chronicle that the great Orince was mild and calm, but it was better to be a servant of a Great Prince than to serve in a spesific princedom, that is why Moscow boyare were devoted even to weak prince. The stamp features the ceremony of inauguration in the Uspensky (Dormition) Cathedral in Vladimir and the proscription of the ambassador of the Golden Horde “Cruel” Alachi.

2004 俄罗斯 俄罗斯的历史 (1全)

Vsevolod the Big Nest (1154-1212) Great Prince of Kiyev and Vladimir, a son of Yury Dolgoruky. He was the first Russian prince who officially took over the title of Great Prince. In the reign of Prince Vsevolod, prince’s power deriving encouragement from small and middle military servants and city communities contributed to formation of the united and strong state. Prince Vsevolod was the head of a large family that’s why he was nicknamed the Big Nest. A stamp features the prince’s portrait, at the left- laying the foundation of Dmitrov city, at the right – a representative council of Vladimir city in 1211, where Vsevolod declared his second son George a successor to the throne.

2015 俄罗斯 俄罗斯的历史:Saint Vladimir the Great, the Baptizer of the Kievan Rus’(1全)

Vladimir Sviatoslavich the Great (ca. 960–1015) was a prince of Novgorod (970–988) and grand prince of Kiev.

He was an outstanding political figure and the one who Christianized the Kievan Rus’. He was canonized as equal to the apostles, the natal day in Russian Orthodoxy is July 15 (28).

2017 俄罗斯 俄罗斯的历史:The 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Archimandrite Antonin, 1817-1894 (1全)

Archimandrite Antonin (1817-1894) is an officer of the Russian Orthodox Church and an outstanding Russian religious and political figure, archaeologist, historian, religious writer, Byzantine scholar, and the head of the Russian Orthodox Ecclesiastical Mission in the Holy Land.

Antonin was elected an honorary member of many Russian and international associations and awarded with order of Saint Vladimir 2 degree and Saint Anna’s 1 degree, to name just a few.

The postage stamp features the portrait of Archimandrite Antonin, the Transfiguration Church in Baturino village of the Kurgan Region, where his father was a senior priest, and the Ascension Monastery in Jerusalem, where the Archimandrite Antonin was buried.

2018 俄罗斯 俄罗斯的历史:700th Anniversary of the Death of Mikhail of Tver, 1271-1318 (1全)

Holy Prince Michael of Tver (1271–1318) - statesman and military leader, prince of Tver (from 1285) and Vladimir (1305–1317), the first grand prince of all Russia.

The postage stamp depicts a portrait of St. Prince Mikhail of Tver, images of Prince Michael and Princess Anna Kashinsky, Tver Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, as well as old Russian military armature and the attributes of Orthodox worship

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