

“Danmark” & Wegener's Weather Balloon, Denmark port
Johan Peter Koch (1870-1928) and theodolite
1994 丹麦 Europa (C.E.P.T.) 1994 - Discoveries and Inventions (2全)
Front page of newspaper (Aftenposte) 1901 Johan Henrik Deuntzer (Prime Minister)
Caricature of Frederik Borgsbjerg (first Social Democrat Mayor in Copenhagen)
Asta Nielson & Poul Reumert (actors) in scene from “The Abyss” (film), 1910
Telephone advertising poster, 1914
Front page of newspaper (Politiken) 1915 women's suffrage
Caricature of Thorvald Stauning (Prime Minister 1924-26 & 1929-42) by Herluf Jensenius (cartoonist), 1933. The Kanslergarde Agreement (economic & social reforms)
Poster for “The Wheel of Fortune” (film), 1927
Front page of 'Radio Weekly Review (magazine), 1925
Liberation of Denmark / King Christian X Front page of Kristeligt Dagblad (newspaper) 5th.May 1945
Caricature of Princess Margrethe by Herlif Jenserius (adoption of new constitution,1953)
Ib Schønberg and Inge Hvid-Moller (actors) in a scene from 'Café Paradise' (film), 1950
Front cover of brochure for Danish Arena televisions, 1957
Denmark in EF - Front page of Berlingske Tidende (newspaper) 3/10/72
Caricature from Blaeksprutten (magazine), 1969 (The Youth Revolt)
Poster for “The Olsen Gang” - popular Danish film from 1968
Communication - Web page (development of the Internet) 1999
2000 丹麦 二十世纪 (16全)
Danish sailors 1939-1945
Danish sailors 1939-1945
2005 丹麦 (2全)
2014 丹麦 150th anniversary of Dybbøl's War (1MS全)
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