
峰牙-己榜国家公园占地面积共有126,236 公顷,与老挝的Hin Namno自然保护区接壤。公园的地形由钟乳石高原与热带雨林组成,通过大量的钟乳石洞穴和地下河展现了地质的多样性和壮观性。公园也拥有大量生物物种,其中许多是本地特有种。


The Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, inscribed on the World Heritage List in 2003, covered 85,754 hectares. With this extension, the site covers a total surface area of 126,236 hectares (a 46 % increase) and shares a boundary with the Hin Namno Nature Reserve in the Peoples Democratic Republic of Laos. The Park’s landscape is formed by limestone plateaux and tropical forests. It features great geological diversity and offers spectacular phenomena, including a large number of caves and underground rivers. The site harbours a high level of biodiversity and many endemic species. The extension ensures a more coherent ecosystem while providing additional protection to the catchment areas that are of vital importance for the integrity of limestone landscapes.

国别越南 Viet Nam
英文名称Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park
登录年份2003, 2015

发行国家/地区:越南 Viet Nam

1998 越南 越南中部风景 (3-2)
峰牙洞Phong Nha Duong
Xuyen Son洞
Nuoc Moc溪
天堂洞Thien Duong
2004 越南 世界遗产:峰牙-己榜国家公园 (3+1MS全)
  • 亚洲和太平洋地区/越南/峰牙-己榜国家公园.txt
  • 最后更改: 5年前
  • 青团00