
谢赫萨菲•丁(Sheikh Safi al-Din)圣殿与哈内加建筑群是伊斯兰教苏菲派的精神休憩之所。这一建筑群建于16世纪初至18世纪后期,采用伊朗传统的建筑形式,将有限的空间最为有效地加以利用,因而诸多功能于一身(包括一个图书馆,一所清真寺、一所学校、几个大型陵墓、一个地下蓄水池、一所医院、若干厨房、一个糕饼店和一些办公室)。前往神庙的道路被八道门分为七段,分别代表着苏菲神秘主义的八个理念和七个发展阶段。在这一保存完好的遗址中,人们可以看到丰繁精美的建筑外观与内部装饰,以及一批出色的古董收藏。这一建筑群作为中世纪伊斯兰建筑元素的大集合,是当今非常罕见的。

Built between the beginning of the 16th century and the end of the 18th century, this place of spiritual retreat in the Sufi tradition uses Iranian traditional architectural forms to maximize use of available space to accommodate a variety of functions (including a library, a mosque, a school, mausolea, a cistern, a hospital, kitchens, a bakery, and some offices). It incorporates a route to reach the shrine of the Sheikh divided into seven segments, which mirror the seven stages of Sufi mysticism, separated by eight gates, which represent the eight attitudes of Sufism. The ensemble includes well-preserved and richly ornamented facades and interiors, with a remarkable collection of antique artefacts. It constitutes a rare ensemble of elements of medieval Islamic architecture.


发行国家/地区:伊朗 Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Sheikh Safi-al-Din Ardebili墓
2012 伊朗 Sheikh Safi-al-Din Ardebili墓 (1全)
  • 亚洲和太平洋地区/伊朗/阿尔达比勒的谢赫_萨菲_丁汗那卡和圣地集合体.txt
  • 最后更改: 5年前
  • 青团00