====== 地中海饮食文化 ====== The Mediterranean diet involves a set of skills, knowledge, rituals, symbols and traditions concerning crops, harvesting, fishing, animal husbandry, conservation, processing, cooking, and particularly the sharing and consumption of food. Eating together is the foundation of the cultural identity and continuity of communities throughout the Mediterranean basin. It is a moment of social exchange and communication, an affirmation and renewal of family, group or community identity. The Mediterranean diet emphasizes values of hospitality, neighbourliness, intercultural dialogue and creativity, and a way of life guided by respect for diversity. It plays a vital role in cultural spaces, festivals and celebrations, bringing together people of all ages, conditions and social classes. It includes the craftsmanship and production of traditional receptacles for the transport, preservation and consumption of food, including ceramic plates and glasses. Women play an important role in transmitting knowledge of the Mediterranean diet: they safeguard its techniques, respect seasonal rhythms and festive events, and transmit the values of the element to new generations. Markets also play a key role as spaces for cultivating and transmitting the Mediterranean diet during the daily practice of exchange, agreement and mutual respect. {{tag>非物质文化遗产}} ^{{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:葡萄牙:地中海饮食文化:20180911-160614.png}}^^ ^国别|{{:images:flag:flag_of_cyprus.svg?30|}} 塞浦路斯 Cyprus\\ {{:images:flag:flag_of_croatia.svg?30|}} 克罗地亚 Croatia\\ {{:images:flag:flag_of_greece.svg?30|}} 希腊 Greece\\ {{:images:flag:flag_of_italy.svg?30|}} 意大利 Italy\\ {{:images:flag:flag_of_morocco.svg?30|}} 摩洛哥 Morocco\\ {{:images:flag:flag_of_portugal.svg?30|}} 葡萄牙 Portugal\\ {{:images:flag:flag_of_spain.svg?30|}} 西班牙 Spain\\ | ^中文名称|[[https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/mediterranean-diet-00884|地中海饮食文化]]| ^英文名称|[[https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/mediterranean-diet-00884|Mediterranean diet]]| ^登录年份|2013| ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:葡萄牙:地中海饮食文化:20180911-160627.png}}{{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:葡萄牙:地中海饮食文化:20180911-160632.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== ^发行国家/地区:塞浦路斯Cyprus^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ | | |[]| ^发行国家/地区:克罗地亚Croatia^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ | | |[]| 发行国家/地区:希腊 Greece |[{{:民俗:欧洲:希腊:gr202001.jpg|Spanakopita}}]|[{{:民俗:欧洲:希腊:gr202002.jpg|Grilled Octopus}}]| |[{{:民俗:欧洲:希腊:gr202003.jpg|Roast Lamb}}]|[{{:民俗:欧洲:希腊:gr202004.jpg|Moussaka}}]| |[{{:民俗:欧洲:希腊:gr202005.jpg|小本票封皮}}]| ^2020 希腊 地中海邮政联盟:美食 (4全)^ ^发行国家/地区:意大利Italy^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ | | |[]| ^发行国家/地区:摩洛哥Morocco^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ | | |[]| ^发行国家/地区:葡萄牙Portugal^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ |地中海饮食|2015|[{{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:葡萄牙:地中海饮食文化:20180911-161837.png|地中海饮食文化}}]| |:::|:::|[{{:非遗:欧洲和北美洲:葡萄牙:地中海饮食文化:20180911-162001.png|地中海饮食文化}}]| 发行国家/地区:西班牙 Spain |[{{:民俗:欧洲:西班牙:es201503.jpg|地中海饮食文化}}]| ^2015 西班牙 非物质文化遗产 (2-2)^ 发行国家/地区:克罗地亚 Croatia |[{{:民俗:欧洲:克罗地亚:hr201206.jpg|Crab}}]|[{{:民俗:欧洲:克罗地亚:hr201207.jpg|Oyster shells}}]|[{{:民俗:欧洲:克罗地亚:hr201208.jpg|Octopus}}]|[{{:民俗:欧洲:克罗地亚:hr201209.jpg|Sea bream fish}}]| ^2012 克罗地亚 克罗地亚美食 (4全)^^^^