====== 恩内迪山丘-自然和文化景观 ====== In the northeast of the country, the sandstone Ennedi Massif has been sculpted by water and wind erosion over time into a plateau featuring canyons and valleys that present a spectacular landscape marked by cliffs, natural arches and pitons. In the largest canyons, the permanent presence of water plays an essential role in the Massif’s ecosystem, sustaining flora and fauna as well as human life. Thousands of images have been painted and carved into the rock surface of caves, canyons and shelters, presenting one of the largest ensembles of rock art in the Sahara.{{tag>双重遗产}} ^ {{:非洲:乍得:恩内迪山丘-自然和文化景观:20180430-122357.png}} ^^ ^国别|{{:images:flag:flag_of_chad.svg?30|}}[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/statespartiestd/|乍得 Chad]]| ^中文名称|[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1475|恩内迪山丘-自然和文化景观]]| ^英文名称|[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1475|Ennedi Massif: Natural and Cultural Landscape]]| ^遗产类别|双重遗产| ^登录年份|2016| ^选入标准|[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/criteria/|(iii)(vii)(ix)]]| ===== 遗产分布 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:非洲:乍得:恩内迪山丘-自然和文化景观:20180525-113758.png}} {{:非洲:乍得:恩内迪山丘-自然和文化景观:20180525-113803.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区: 乍得 Chad |[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196701.jpg|妇女和竖琴乐师}}]|[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196702.jpg|长颈鹿}}]| |[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196703.jpg|骆驼骑士捕猎鸵鸟}}]|[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196704.jpg|戴面具的舞者}}]| |[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196705.jpg|猎人捕猎野兔}}]| | ^1967 乍得 Bailloud Mission in the Ennedi 岩画 (5全)^^ |[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196801.jpg|射手}}]|[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196802.jpg|Male and female costumes}}]| |[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196803.jpg|葬礼守夜}}]|[{{:文物:非洲:乍得:td196804.jpg|争执}}]| ^1968 乍得 Bailloud Mission in the Ennedi 岩画 (4全)^^