====== 乳香之路 ====== 瓦迪•道卡的乳香树和什斯尔/乌芭尔以及相关的科尔罗里和巴厘德港口的商队绿洲遗迹,都表明这里的乳香贸易繁荣了很多世纪。这项贸易在古代和中世纪是最重要的商业活动之一。 The frankincense trees of Wadi Dawkah and the remains of the caravan oasis of Shisr/Wubar and the affiliated ports of Khor Rori and Al-Baleed vividly illustrate the trade in frankincense that flourished in this region for many centuries, as one of the most important trading activities of the ancient and medieval world. {{tag>文化遗产}} {{wst>遗产概要|images={{:阿拉伯国家:阿曼:乳香之路:20180608-232540.png}}|country=Oman|code=om|cname=阿曼 Oman|id=1010|cn=乳香之路|en=Land of Frankincense|type=文化遗产|year=2000|criteria= (iii)(iv)}} ===== 遗产分布 ===== ^ID^Name & Location^State Party^Coordinates^Area^Date Inscribed| |1010-001|Archaeological site of Shisr\\ Dhofar Province, Oman|Oman|N18 15 4.00 E53 38 7.00 |Property: 0.36 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 176.339996 Ha\\ |2000| |1010-002|Archaeological site and natural environment of Khor Rori\\ Dhofar Province, Oman|Oman|N17 2 30.00 E55 25 60.00 |Property: 3.128 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 1018.771301 Ha\\ |2000| |1010-003|Archaeological site of al-Balid\\ Dhofar Province, Oman|Oman|N17 1 0.00 E54 3 0.00 |Property: 50 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 48.200001 Ha\\ |2000| |1010-004|Frankencense Park of Wadi Dawkah\\ Dhofar Province, Oman|Oman|N17 21 0.00 E54 4 0.00 |796.400024 Ha\\ |2000| ===== 遗产地图 ===== [{{:阿拉伯国家:阿曼:乳香之路:20180608-232639.png|Archaeological site of al-Balid}}] [{{:阿拉伯国家:阿曼:乳香之路:20180608-232654.png|Khor Rori}}] [{{:阿拉伯国家:阿曼:乳香之路:20180608-232703.png|Archaeological site of Shisr}}] [{{:阿拉伯国家:阿曼:乳香之路:20180608-232715.png|Frankencense Park of Wadi Dawkah}}] ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:阿拉伯国家:阿曼:乳香之路:20180608-232725.png}} {{:阿拉伯国家:阿曼:乳香之路:20180608-232730.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区:阿曼 Oman |[{{:文物:亚洲:阿曼:om197704.jpg|Khor Rori村出土的铭文,古时为乳香之路上的Sumhuram镇,公元前100年}}]| ^1977 阿曼 国庆日 (4-3)^