====== 埃尔比勒城堡 ====== 埃尔比勒城堡是一座坚固的结算上雄伟的卵形告诉(山上的人们生活许多代和同一点上重建了)在库尔德地区的埃尔比勒省。连续墙高?阿德斯还传达了19世纪的FA铜墙铁壁的视觉印象,支配埃尔比勒市。城堡特点独特的扇形模式可以追溯到奥斯曼埃尔比勒的后期阶段。文字和图像的历史记录结算单据上–埃尔比勒对应古Arbela网站的古代,一个重要的政治和宗教中心,亚述–考古发现和研究表明,丘隐匿定居点保持水平。 Erbil Citadel is a fortified settlement on top of an imposing ovoid-shaped tell (a hill created by many generations of people living and rebuilding on the same spot) in the Kurdistan region, Erbil Governorate. A continuous wall of tall 19th-century fa?ades still conveys the visual impression of an impregnable fortress, dominating the city of Erbil. The citadel features a peculiar fan-like pattern dating back to Erbil’s late Ottoman phase. Written and iconographic historical records document the antiquity of settlement on the site – Erbil corresponds to ancient Arbela, an important Assyrian political and religious centre – while archaeological finds and investigations suggest that the mound conceals the levels and remains of previous settlements. {{tag>文化遗产}} {{wst>遗产概要|images={{:阿拉伯国家:伊拉克:埃尔比勒城堡:20180604-082519.png}}|country=Iraq|code=iq|cname=伊拉克 Iraq|id=1437|cn=埃尔比勒城堡|en=Erbil Citadel|type=文化遗产|year=2014|criteria= (iv)}} ===== 遗产分布 ===== ===== 遗产地图 ===== [{{:阿拉伯国家:伊拉克:埃尔比勒城堡:20180604-082551.png?500}}] ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:阿拉伯国家:伊拉克:埃尔比勒城堡:20180604-082601.png}}{{:阿拉伯国家:伊拉克:埃尔比勒城堡:20180604-082606.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区:伊拉克 Iraq |[{{:文物:亚洲:伊拉克:iq198901.jpg|阿瓦尔的湿地,乌尔古城}}]| ^1989 旅游 (3-1)^ |[{{:阿拉伯国家:伊拉克:埃尔比勒城堡:20180604-082636.png|埃尔比勒城堡}}]| ^伊拉克各省风光^