====== 塔普塔普阿泰 ====== Taputapuātea on Ra’iatea Island is at the centre of the “Polynesian Triangle,” a vast portion of the Pacific Ocean, dotted with islands, and the last part of the globe to be settled by humans. The property includes two forested valleys, a portion of lagoon and coral reef and a strip of open ocean. At the heart of the property is the Taputapuātea marae complex, a political, ceremonial and funerary centre. It is characterized by a paved courtyard with a large standing stone at its centre. Widespread in Polynesia, the marae were places where the world of the living intersects the world of the ancestors. Taputapuātea is an exceptional testimony to 1,000 {{tag>文化遗产}} {{wst>遗产概要|images={{:欧洲和北美洲:法国:塔普塔普阿泰:20180627-124312.png}}|country=France|code=fr|cname=法国 France|id=1529|cn=塔普塔普阿泰|en=Taputapuātea|type=文化遗产|year=2017|criteria=(iii)(iv)(vi)}} ===== 遗产分布 ===== ===== 遗产地图 ===== ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:欧洲和北美洲:法国:塔普塔普阿泰:20180627-124356.png}}{{:欧洲和北美洲:法国:塔普塔普阿泰:20180627-124359.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== ^发行国家/地区:密克罗尼西亚 Micronesia^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ |世界遗产|2018|{{:欧洲和北美洲:法国:塔普塔普阿泰:201801.jpg}}|