

阿特兰蒂达教堂及其钟楼和地下洗礼堂位于阿特兰蒂达市,距首都蒙得维的亚45公里。这个现代主义教堂建筑群于1960年落成,受意大利早期基督教和中世纪宗教建筑的启发,代表了对裸露、强化砖块的新颖利用。教堂整体为一个矩形布局的大厅,其独特之处在于波浪形墙壁支撑的波浪形边缘屋顶,由埃拉蒂奥·迪埃斯特(Eladio Diust,1917-2000)开发的一系列呈高斯曲线排列的加固砖建成。圆柱形的钟楼以镂空的裸露砖砌筑,矗立于教堂主立面的右侧,而地下洗礼堂则位于教堂前广场的左侧,可从呈三角棱柱形入口进入,照明依靠中央眼洞天窗。该教堂是20世纪下半叶拉丁美洲现代建筑在形式和空间方面卓越成就的典范,以资源的充分利用体现了对社会平等的追求,在满足结构要求的同时产生了卓越的美学效果。

The Church of Atlántida with its belfry and underground baptistery is located in Estación Atlántida, 45 km away from Montevideo. Inspired by Italian paleo-Christian and medieval religious architecture, the modernistic Church complex, inaugurated in 1960, represents a novel utilization of exposed and reinforced brick. Built on rectangular plan of one single hall, the church features distinctive undulating walls supporting a similarly undulating roof, composed of a sequence of reinforced brick Gaussian vaults developed by Eladio Dieste (1917-2000). The cylindrical bell-tower, built in openwork exposed brick masonry, rises from the ground to the right of the main church facade, while the underground baptistery is located on the left side of the parvis, accessible from a triangular prismatic entrance and illuminated via a central oculus. The Church provides an eminent example of the remarkable formal and spatial achievements of modern architecture in Latin America during the second part of the 20th century, embodying the search for social equality with a spare use of resources, meeting structural imperatives to great aesthetic effect.







发行国家/地区:乌拉圭 Uruguay

2006 乌拉圭 工程师埃拉蒂奥·迪埃斯特逝世6周年 (1全)