====== 粤剧 ====== The Chinese tradition of Yueju opera combines Mandarin operatic traditions and Cantonese dialect. Rooted in the Cantonese-speaking provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi in south-eastern China, Yueju opera is characterized by a combination of string and percussion instruments, with elaborate costumes and face painting. It also incorporates stunts and fights using real weapons and drawing on the Shaolin martial arts, as illustrated by the central Wenwusheng role that demands proficiency in both singing and fighting. It has developed a rich repertoire of stories ranging from historical epics to more realistic descriptions of daily life. An important form of recreation, the opera is also, in some rural communities, combined with ceremonial, religious and sacrificial elements into a spiritual amalgam of art and custom known as Shengongxi. Yueju opera is popular throughout China and provides a cultural bond among Cantonese speakers in the country and abroad. They view its success around the world as a point of pride, regarding the opera as an important means by which foreigners come to understand their culture. Today, the tradition is passed to new artists through both drama schools and apprenticeship programmes. {{tag>非物质文化遗产}} ^{{:非遗:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:粤剧:20180711-155630.png}}^^ ^国别|{{:images:flag:flag_of_china.svg?30|}} 中国 China| ^中文名称|[[https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/yueju-opera-00203|粤剧]]| ^英文名称|[[https://ich.unesco.org/en/RL/yueju-opera-00203|Yueju opera]]| ^登录年份|2009| ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:非遗:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:粤剧:20180711-155642.png}}{{:非遗:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:粤剧:20180711-155653.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区:中国 China |[{{:民俗:亚洲:中国:cn201701.jpg|《香山花大贺寿》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:中国:cn201702.jpg|《六国大封相》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:中国:cn201703.jpg|《玉皇登殿》}}]| |[{{:民俗:亚洲:中国:cn201704.jpg|小版张过桥:《天姬送子》}}]| ^2017 中国 粤剧 (3全)^ 发行国家/地区:香港 Hong Kong |[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201401.jpg|大汉装}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201402.jpg|海青}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201403.jpg|小古装}}]| |[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201404.jpg|小军装}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201405.jpg|蟒袍}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201406.jpg|披风}}]| |[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201407.jpg|《六国大封相》}}]| ^2014 香港 粤剧服饰 (6+1MS全)^ |[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201801.jpg|《帝女花》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201802.jpg|《双仙拜月亭》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201803.jpg|《关公月下释貂蝉》}}]| |[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201804.jpg|《凤阁英雄未了情》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201805.jpg|《梁祝恨史》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:香港:hk201806.jpg|《昭君出塞》}}]| ^2018 香港 粤剧剧目 (6全)^^^ 发行国家/地区:澳门 Macau |[{{:民俗:亚洲:澳门:mo199101.jpg|《白蛇传》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:澳门:mo199102.jpg|《铁马干戈热火情》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:澳门:mo199103.jpg|《李君主》}}]|[{{:民俗:亚洲:澳门:mo199104.jpg|《宋皇吉庆》}}]| ^1991 澳门 中国戏曲-粤剧 (4全)^^^^