====== 西穆里奇-欧辛加考古遗址 ====== 该遗产地位于维多利亚湖地区的Migori镇西北部,这个干砌石墙定居点可能建于公元16世纪。 欧辛加的词义即为定居点,这一带的定居点曾被用于人类居住和牲畜圈养,遗址同时也反映了与血统有关的社会实体和关系。西穆里奇是其中规模最大、保存最完好的传统定居点。它是典型的维多利亚湖盆地第一代牧民社区的大型传统干砌石墙的具代表性的例子,该社区一直延续至20世纪中叶。 Situated north-west of the town of Migori, in the Lake Victoria region, this dry-stone walled settlement was probably built in the 16th century CE. The Ohinga (i.e. settlement) seems to have served as a fort for communities and livestock, but also defined social entities and relationships linked to lineage. Thimlich Ohinga is the largest and best preserved of these traditional enclosures. It is an exceptional example of the tradition of massive dry-stone walled enclosures, typical of the first pastoral communities in the Lake Victoria Basin, which persisted until the mid-20th century. {{tag>文化遗产}} {{wst>遗产概要|images={{:非洲:肯尼亚:西穆里奇-欧辛加考古遗址:site_1450_0001-500-332-20180223160533.jpg}}|country=Kenya|code=ke|cname=肯尼亚 Kenya|id=1450|cn=西穆里奇-欧辛加考古遗址|en=Thimlich Ohinga Archaeological Site|type=文化遗产|year=2018|criteria=(iii)(iv)(v)}} ===== 遗产分布 ===== ===== 遗产地图 ===== {{:非洲:肯尼亚:西穆里奇-欧辛加考古遗址:20180718-110442.png}} ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:非洲:肯尼亚:西穆里奇-欧辛加考古遗址:site_1450_0003-500-332-20180223160535.jpg}}{{:非洲:肯尼亚:西穆里奇-欧辛加考古遗址:site_1450_0004-500-332-20180223160537.jpg}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区:肯尼亚 Kenya |[{{:风光:非洲:肯尼亚:ke200204.jpg|肯尼亚 西穆里奇-欧辛加考古遗址}}]| ^2002 肯尼亚 东非历史古迹 (4-4)^