====== 麦罗埃岛考古遗址 ====== 麦罗埃岛考古遗址是一处位于尼罗河与阿特巴拉河之间的半荒漠景观,这里曾是公元前8世纪至公元4世纪间兴盛一时的库施(Kush)王国的中心地带。遗产由位于尼罗河边麦罗埃的库施王城、其附近的宗教遗址纳加神庙(Naqa)以及狮子神庙(Musawwarat es Sufra)所组成。 麦罗埃岛曾是占领埃及近一世纪的统治者发号施令的地方,至今还拥有金字塔、神庙、民居建筑以及大型的用水设施等大量遗迹。庞大的库施帝国一度把疆土扩展到地中海以及非洲心脏地带,它所留下这一遗址也因此见证了上述两个地区在艺术、建筑、宗教与语言上的交流。 The Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe, a semi-desert landscape between the Nile and Atbara rivers, was the heartland of the Kingdom of Kush, a major power from the 8th century B.C. to the 4th century A.D. The property consists of the royal city of the Kushite kings at Meroe, near the River Nile, the nearby religious site of Naqa and Musawwarat es Sufra. It was the seat of the rulers who occupied Egypt for close to a century and features, among other vestiges, pyramids, temples and domestic buildings as well as major installations connected to water management. Their vast empire extended from the Mediterranean to the heart of Africa, and the property testifies to the exchange between the art, architectures, religions and languages of both regions.{{tag>文化遗产}} {{wst>遗产概要|images={{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000007.png?400}}|country=Sudan|code=sd|cname=苏丹 Sudan|id=1073|id=1336|cn=麦罗埃岛考古遗址|en= Archaeological Sites of the Island of Meroe|type=文化遗产|year=2011|criteria=(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)}} ===== 遗产分布 ===== ^ID^Name & Location^State Party^Coordinates^Area^Date Inscribed| |1336-001|Meroe 1\\ |Sudan|N16 55 60.00 E33 43 0.00 |Property: 612.551 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 1718.031 Ha\\ |2011| |1336-002|Meroe 2\\ |Sudan|N16 55 60.00 E33 45 0.00 |Property: 674.904 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 1718.031 Ha\\ |2011| |1336-003|Musawwarat es-Sufra\\ |Sudan|N16 25 0.00 E33 19 60.00 |Property: 836.57 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 2653.64 Ha\\ |2011| |1336-004|Naqa\\ |Sudan|N16 16 15.00 E33 16 45.00 |Property: 231.852 Ha\\ Buffer zone: 9509.92 Ha\\ |2011| ===== 遗产地图 ===== {{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000109.png}} ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000115.png}} {{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000124.png}} {{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000130.png}} {{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000140.png}} {{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000136.png}} {{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000146.png}} ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== ^发行国家/地区:苏丹Sudan^^^ ^名称^时间^邮票^ |普票|2003|[{{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000212.png|麦罗埃岛考古遗址}}]| |非洲钞票印刷协会|2003|[{{:阿拉伯国家:苏丹:麦罗埃岛考古遗址:20180613-000235.png}}]| ==== 相关邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区:其他国家和地区 |[{{:文物:欧洲:民主德国:ddr197009.jpg|阿蒙神,舒神和特福纳特神}}]|[{{:文物:欧洲:民主德国:ddr197010.jpg|国王阿内哈玛尼(Arnekhamani)头像}}]| |[{{:文物:欧洲:民主德国:ddr197011.jpg|牛}}]|[{{:文物:欧洲:民主德国:ddr197012.jpg|阿尔卡(Arka)王子头像}}]| |[{{:文物:欧洲:民主德国:ddr197013.jpg|God Arensnuphis}}]| | |[{{:文物:欧洲:民主德国:ddr197014.jpg|驯服的战象,战俘}}]|[{{:文物:欧洲:民主德国:ddr197015.jpg|狮子神Apedemak头像}}]| ^1970 民主德国 苏丹的考古发掘 苏丹 Musawwarat es-Sufra庙遗址的浮雕 (7全)^^