====== 博洛尼亚的拱廊 ====== 该遗产地由博洛尼亚市的12处拱廊及其周围建筑组成,它们的落成时间为12世纪至今,被视为该城总计62公里拱廊中最具代表性的部分。这些拱廊有的以木材建造,有的以砖石砌就,还有的以钢筋混凝土浇筑,俯瞰着街道一侧或双侧的道路、广场、小径或人行道。该遗产地还包括不与其它建筑构成结构连续体的拱廊建筑,它们因此不属于带顶棚的步道的一部分。拱廊常以带顶人行道和黄金商业区的形式出现,因而广受欢迎。在20世纪,混凝土的使用使得传统的拱形拱廊被新的建筑可能性取代,一种新的拱廊建筑语言应运而生,巴尔卡街区即是例证。这些入选的拱廊代表着不同的类型、城市和社会功能以及时间阶段。拱廊被视为服务公众的私有财产,已成为博洛尼亚城市身份的一种要素和表现形式。 The serial property comprises twelve component parts consisting of ensembles of porticoes and their surrounding built areas, located within the Municipality of Bologna from the 12th century to the present. These portico ensembles are considered to be the most representative among city’s porticoes, which cover a total stretch of 62 km. Some of the porticoes are built of wood, others of stone or brick, as well as reinforced concrete, covering roads, squares, paths and walkways, either on one or both sides of a street. The property includes porticoed buildings that do not form a structural continuum with other buildings and therefore are not part of a comprehensive covered walkway or passage. The porticoes are appreciated as sheltered walkways and prime locations for merchant activities. In the 20th century, the use of concrete allowed the replacement of the traditional vaulted arcades with new building possibilities and a new architectural language for the porticoes emerged, as exemplified in the Barca district. Together, the selected porticoes reflect different typologies, urban and social functions and chronological phases. Defined as private property for public use, the porticoes have become an expression and element of Bologna’s urban identity. {{tag>文化遗产}} {{wst>遗产概要|images={{:欧洲和北美洲:意大利:博洛尼亚的拱廊:20210729-133806.png}}|country=Italy|code=it|cname=意大利 Italy|id=1650|cn=博洛尼亚的拱廊|en=The Porticoes of Bologna|type=文化遗产|year=2021|criteria=(iv)}} ===== 遗产分布 ===== 遗产范围包括: ^ID^Name & Location^State Party^Coordinates^Property^Buffer Zone| |1650-001|Santa Caterina e Saragozza|Italy|N44 29 29\\ E11 19 58|2.67 ha|1,089.37 ha| |1650-002|Santo Stefano e Mercanzia|Italy|N44 29 31.98\\ E11 20 52.98|2.39 ha| ::: | |1650-003|Galliera|Italy|N44 29 49.98\\ E11 20 29.99|3.58 ha| ::: | |1650-004|Baraccano|Italy|N44 29 7.98\\ E11 21 16.98|1.71 ha| ::: | |1650-005|Pavaglione, Banchi e Piazza Maggiore|Italy|N44 29 33\\ E11 20 35.98|7.07 ha| ::: | |1650-006|San Luca|Italy|N44 29 7.4\\ E11 18 6.9|1.6 ha| ::: | |1650-007|Università e Accademia|Italy|N44 29 47.99\\ E11 21 5|6.53 ha| ::: | |1650-008|Certosa|Italy|N44 29 44.18\\ E11 18 37.9|8.44 ha| ::: | |1650-009|Cavour, Farini e Minghetti|Italy|N44 29 27.98\\ E11 20 38.99|2.62 ha| ::: | |1650-010|Strada Maggiore|Italy|N44 29 26.3\\ E11 21 20.58|10.99 ha| ::: | |1650-011|MamBo|Italy|N44 30 8.98\\ E11 20 11.99|3.25 ha| ::: | |1650-012|Treno della Barca|Italy|N44 29 42.98\\ E11 17 4.98|1.33 ha|36.25 ha| ===== 遗产地图 ===== ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== ===== 遗产邮票 ===== ==== 博洛尼亚主广场 ==== 博洛尼亚主广场(意大利语:Piazza Maggiore)是意大利城市博洛尼亚的重要广场,创建于1200年,是意大利的著名广场之一。广场周围环绕着下列建筑:公证人宫、达古修宫、班奇宫、阿伦戈塔、波德斯塔宫和圣白托略大殿。 发行国家/地区:意大利 Italy |[{{:风光:欧洲:意大利:it198518.jpg|博洛尼亚主广场}}]| ^1985 意大利 意大利国际邮展 第5组 (9-8)^ |[{{:风光:欧洲:意大利:it201619.jpg|博洛尼亚主广场}}]| ^2016 意大利 意大利的广场 (8-6)^ |[{{:风光:欧洲:意大利:it201701.jpg|背景:博洛尼亚主广场}}]| ^2017 意大利 Granarolo食品公司60周年 (1全)^ |[{{:风光:欧洲:意大利:it202114.jpg|博洛尼亚主广场}}]| ^2021 意大利 旅游 (4-1)^