====== 三清山国家公园 ====== 三清山位于中国江西省上饶市玉山县与德兴市交界处,距玉山县城50公里,距上饶市78公里。三清山为怀玉山脉主峰,因玉京、玉虚、玉华“三峰峻拔、如三清列坐其巅”而得其名,三峰中以玉京峰为最高,海拔1816.9米,是江西第五高峰,也是信江的源头之一。 Mount Sanqingshan National Park, a 22,950 ha property located in the west of the Huyaiyu mountain range in the northeast of Jiangxi Province (in the east of central China) has been inscribed for its exceptional scenic quality, marked by the concentration of fantastically shaped pillars and peaks: 48 granite peaks and 89 granite pillars, many of which resemble human or animal silhouettes. The natural beauty of the 1,817 metre high Mount Huaiyu is further enhanced by the juxtaposition of granite features with the vegetation and particular meteorological conditions which make for an ever-changing and arresting landscape with bright halos on clouds and white rainbows. The area is subject to a combination of subtropical monsoonal and maritime influences and forms an island of temperate forest above the surrounding subtropical landscape. It also features forests and numerous waterfalls, some of them 60 metres in height, lakes and springs. {{tag>自然遗产}} ^ {{:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:三清山国家公园:20180425-111744.png}} ^^ |国别|{{:images:flag:flag_of_china.svg?30|}}[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/cn|中国 China]]| |中文名称:|[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1292;|三清山国家公园]]| |英文名称:|[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1292;|Mount Sanqingshan National Park]]| |类别: |自然遗产| |登录年份: |2008| |标准:|[[http://whc.unesco.org/en/criteria/|(vii)]]| ===== 遗产分布 ===== ===== 遗产地图 ===== [{{:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:三清山国家公园:20180425-111801.png?600}}] ===== 遗产详细介绍 ===== ===== 遗产图片 ===== {{:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:三清山国家公园:20180425-111814.png?300}}{{:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:三清山国家公园:20180425-111824.png?300}} ===== 邮票图片 ===== ==== 主要邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区:中国 China |[{{:风光:亚洲:中国:cn199526.jpg|三清福地}}]|[{{:风光:亚洲:中国:cn199527.jpg|司春女神}}]| |[{{:风光:亚洲:中国:cn199528.jpg|观音赏曲}}]|[{{:风光:亚洲:中国:cn199529.jpg|巨蟒出山}}]| ^1995 中国 三清山 (4全)^^ |[{{:亚洲和太平洋地区:中国:三清山国家公园:20180425-112001.png?500|三清山}}]| ^2001 中国 江西风光 FP15 (10-6)^ ==== 相关邮票 ==== 发行国家/地区:中国 China