

The site comprises seven component parts, within an 80km long corridor along the warm-temperate and extremely humid eastern coast of the Black Sea. They provide a series of the most typical Colchic ecosystems at altitudes ranging from sea level to more than 2,500 metres above it. The main ecosystems are ancient deciduous Colchic rainforests and wetlands, percolation bogs and other mire types of the distinct Colchic mire region. The extremely humid broad-leaved rainforests comprise a highly diverse flora and fauna, with very high densities of endemic and relict species, with significant numbers of globally threatened species and relict species, which survived the glacial cycles of the Tertiary. The site is home to approximately 1,100 species of vascular and non-vascular plants, including 44 threatened vascular plan species, and almost 500 species of vertebrates, and a high number of invertebrate species. The site also harbours 19 threatened animal species including sturgeon, notably the critically endangered Colchic Sturgeon. It is a key stopover for many globally threatened birds that migrate through the Batumi bottleneck.

国别格鲁吉亚 Georgia
英文名称Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands


1616-001 Kintrishi-Mtirala

1616-002 Ispani

1616-003 Grigoleti

1616-004 Imnati

1616-005 Pitshora

1616-006 Nabada

1616-007 Churia

科尔基斯国家公园(Kolkheti National Park)是格鲁吉亚的国家公园,位于该国西部,横跨萨梅格列罗-上斯瓦涅季亚州和古利亚州,成立于1998年,面积808平方公里,每年平均降雨量1,500至1,600毫米。

发行国家/地区:格鲁吉亚 Georgia

2013 格鲁吉亚 欧罗巴邮票:访问格鲁吉亚 (12-3)
  • 欧洲和北美洲/格鲁吉亚/科尔基斯雨林及湿地.txt
  • 最后更改: 3年前
  • 青团00