
在北极圈的南部维嘎群岛有几十个岛屿,该地区总面积达103 710公顷,其中岛屿面积6 930公顷。这些岛的遗迹反映了当地居民在不适宜生存的环境中,依靠捕鱼和加工鸭绒毛为生的特有的俭朴生活方式。岛上的渔村、码头、仓库、鸭房(为绒鸭栖息而建)、农庄和灯塔与周围的自然景色相得益彰,构成一幅独特的北极民俗图。这里也拥有早在石器时代人类生存和居住遗留下的痕迹。9世纪时,维嘎群岛已成为当地重要的鸭绒毛供给中心,此项收入约占岛上居民收入的三分之一。维嘎群岛文化景观反映了在过去1500年间渔民/农民始终如一的古朴生活方式,以及妇女对绒毛加工业发展做出的贡献。

A cluster of dozens of islands centred on Vega, just south of the Arctic Circle, forms a cultural landscape of 103,710 ha, of which 6,930 ha is land. The islands bear testimony to a distinctive frugal way of life based on fishing and the harvesting of the down of eider ducks, in an inhospitable environment. There are fishing villages, quays, warehouses, eider houses (built for eider ducks to nest in), farming landscapes, lighthouses and beacons. There is evidence of human settlement from the Stone Age onwards. By the 9th century, the islands had become an important centre for the supply of down, which appears to have accounted for around a third of the islanders’ income. The Vega Archipelago reflects the way fishermen/farmers have, over the past 1,500 years, maintained a sustainable living and the contribution of women to eiderdown harvesting.

国别挪威 Norway
英文名称Vegaøyan – The Vega Archipelago

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