
迪夫里伊的大清真寺和医院位于安纳托利亚地区,11世纪由土耳其人占领。埃米尔·艾哈迈德·沙哈(Emir Ahmet Shah)于1228-1229年建立了一座里面包括一个单独祈祷室的清真寺,有两个圆盖封顶,还与一个医院相邻。它极其精致的拱顶结构、富有想象力的创造性的装饰性雕刻(尤其是三扇门上的),与朴实无华的内部墙壁形成了鲜明对比,这些都使它成为伊斯兰建筑中独一无二的杰作。

This region of Anatolia was conquered by the Turks at the beginning of the 11th century. In 1228–29 Emir Ahmet Shah founded a mosque, with its adjoining hospital, at Divrigi. The mosque has a single prayer room and is crowned by two cupolas. The highly sophisticated technique of vault construction, and a creative, exuberant type of decorative sculpture – particularly on the three doorways, in contrast to the unadorned walls of the interior – are the unique features of this masterpiece of Islamic architecture.

国别土耳其 Turkey
英文名称Great Mosque and Hospital of Divriği

发行国家/地区:土耳其 Turkey

迪夫里伊 大清真寺 正门
1969 土耳其 历史建筑 (5-5)
迪夫里伊 大清真寺和医院
1996 土耳其 文化遗产 (2-2)
  • 欧洲和北美洲/土耳其/迪夫里伊的大清真寺和医院.txt
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