
皮马基奥温阿基(意为“赋予生命的土地”)是一片有众多河流穿过,湖泊、湿地和北方森林交错的森林景观。这里是北美印第安人族群Anishinaabeg的祖居之地的一部分,该族群以捕鱼、狩猎和采集为生。该地区共有4个Anishinaabeg社区(Bloodvein River、Little Grand Rapids、Pauingassi和Poplar River)的传统领地。这片遗产地是“保有土地”文化传统的典范,其组成包括纪念造物主的恩赐,尊重一切形式的生活,及与他人保持和睦的关系。多由水路连接的活动地区、居住地点、通行路线和仪式地点组成的复杂网络充分体现了这一传统。

Pimachiowin Aki (“The Land That Gives Life”) is a forest landscape crossed by rivers and studded with lakes, wetlands, and boreal forest. It forms part of the ancestral home of the Anishinaabeg, an indigenous people living from fishing, hunting and gathering. The area encompasses the traditional lands of four Anishinaabeg communities (Bloodvein River, Little Grand Rapids, Pauingassi and Poplar River). It is an exceptional example of the cultural tradition of Ji-ganawendamang Gidakiiminaan (“keeping the land”) which consists of honouring the gifts of the Creator, respecting all forms of life and maintaining harmonious relations with others. A complex network of livelihood sites, habitation sites, travel routes and ceremonial sites, often linked by waterways, embodies this tradition.

国别加拿大 Canada
英文名称Pimachiowin Aki


发行国家/地区:加拿大 Canada

  • 欧洲和北美洲/加拿大/皮马基奥温阿基.txt
  • 最后更改: 2周前
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