

The Champasak cultural landscape, including the Vat Phou Temple complex, is a remarkably well-preserved planned landscape more than 1,000 years old. It was shaped to express the Hindu vision of the relationship between nature and humanity, using an axis from mountain top to river bank to lay out a geometric pattern of temples, shrines and waterworks extending over some 10 km. Two planned cities on the banks of the Mekong River are also part of the site, as well as Phou Kao mountain. The whole represents a development ranging from the 5th to 15th centuries, mainly associated with the Khmer Empire.

发行国家/地区:老挝 Lao People's Democratic Republic

瓦普庙 Wat Phou
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
1959 老挝 老挝的建筑 (6-1,3)
瓦普庙(中下) Wat Phou
1973 老挝 麻风病菌发现100周年 (2全)
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
1986 老挝 联合国教科文组织40周年 (3-1)
1992 老挝 修复瓦普庙纪念 (3全)
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
1992 老挝 航空邮简
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
1998 老挝 庙宇 (3-2)
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
瓦普庙 Wat Phou
2003 老挝 世界文化遗产 瓦普庙,占巴塞 (3+1MS全)
(右) 瓦普庙
2005 老挝 欧罗巴邮票发行50周年 (6-3)
2006 老挝 和中国建交45周年 (1全)
2017 老挝 东盟成立50周年 (1MS全)
  • 亚洲和太平洋地区/老挝/占巴塞文化景观区内的瓦普及相关古代定居点群.txt
  • 最后更改: 3年前
  • 青团00