
这项遗产位于中国西南山区,是一系列部落领地。这些领地的首领被中央政府任命为“土司”,是这里13至20世纪世袭的统治者。 土司制度起源于公元前3世纪,是中国中央王朝统治少数民族地区的体系。其目的是既为了保证国家集权的统一管理、又保留少数民族的生活与风俗习惯。 湖南老司城、湖北唐崖、贵州海龙屯的土司遗址均属于这项遗产,它是中华文明在元、明两代发展出来的这种统治制度的特别见证。 Located in the mountainous areas of south-west China, this property encompasses remains of several tribal domains whose chiefs were appointed by the central government as ‘Tusi’, hereditary rulers from the 13th to the early 20thcentury. The Tusi system arose from the ethnic minorities’ dynastic systems of government dating back to the 3rd century BCE. Its purpose was to unify national administration, while allowing ethnic minorities to retain their customs and way of life. The sites of Laosicheng, Tangya and Hailongtun Fortress that make up the site bear exceptional testimony to this form of governance, which derived from the Chinese civilization of the Yuan and Ming periods.

国别中国 China
英文名称:Tusi Sites
类别: 文化遗产
登录年份: 2015
ID Name & Location State Party Coordinates Area Date Inscribed
1474-001老司城遗址 Site of Laosicheng Tusi DomainChinaN28 59 55 E109 58 01 Property: 534.24 ha Buffer zone: 1,023.93 ha2015
1474-002唐崖土司城址 Site of Tangya Tusi DomainChinaN29 41 26 E109 0 19 Property: 86.62 ha Buffer zone: 973.61 ha2015
1474-003海龙屯土司城址 Site of Hailongtun Tusi FortressChinaN27 48 42 E106 49 01 Property: 160.42 ha Buffer zone: 1,127.79 ha2015
名称 时间 邮票
  • 亚洲和太平洋地区/中国/土司遗址.txt
  • 最后更改: 5年前
  • 青团00